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Understand CUNY Degree Requirements

A CUNY undergraduate degree is typically made up of three main components: a general education core called Pathways, major specific requirements, and electives.


Pathways is a 30 credit-hour general education core that must be completed by every student to earn an associate in arts (AA), associate in science (AS) or bachelor's degree. The CUNY Pathways Common Core includes a 12 credit-hour required core and an 18 hour flexible core.

Major Requirements

Major Requirements are a set of specific courses required to complete a major. These are usually subject area focused (e.g. engineering, education, etc.).

Elective Requirements

Elective Requirements are a non-specific set of courses that allow a student to broaden their learning in a major or non-major area. Students have some freedom to choose the courses that meet these requirements.

Why are CUNY Pathways courses important?

Once fulfilled at one CUNY college, Pathways credits move seamlessly across the system – in other words, they are accepted across all CUNY colleges and majors. Completing these requirements in high school is a great way to get a head start on your college degree, even if you are unsure of which CUNY college you will attend, or what you will study there.

It's important to note that Bachelor’s degree students are required to take another 6-12 credit hours of general education through the College Option.

Click here to learn more about CUNY Pathways requirements.

How Can I Meet CUNY Pathways Requirements in high school?

Students can meet CUNY Pathways requirements in many ways:

CUNY Courses

Completing CUNY courses while in high school through CUNY College Now or other dual-enrollment programs


Earning college credit for AP or other exams that meet a Core requirement

Non-CUNY Courses

Taking non-CUNY college courses that have been evaluated by CUNY as meeting a Pathways Core requirement

What courses and exams you take while in high school depends on your ultimate goals. Are you trying to earn college credits that can accelerate time to earning a college degree? If so, taking a course(s) that is part of Pathways is the best strategy. Or do you want to explore a particular discipline or major? Taking a course that informs your thinking on what you might like to major in can be valuable, but ultimately, especially if you decide it is not the right major for you, it might only count toward an elective.

Speak to your high school counselor or College Now liaison at your high school about these possibilities.

High School to CUNY Explorer

Use the High School to CUNY Explorer to see how courses and exams you have taken, or plan to take, can earn you CUNY credit and meet degree requirements.

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