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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer from every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
BIO 230: Microbiology
Lehman College
BIO 230: Microbiology
Lehman College
Lehman College
Pre-requisite 2-100 Level Biology, Grade C or higher.
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
A survey of microbes and their structure, chemical composition, cultivation, ecology, and metabolism; special emphasis on applied aspects (infectious diseases and human resistance, food and industrial microbiology, biotechnology). PREREQ: Two semesters of 100-level biology, Grade of C or higherNote: The course cannot fulfill any requirements within the BIO major or BIO minor).
(Regular Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
BIO 28: Mircobiology and Infection Control
Bronx CC
BIO 28: Mircobiology and Infection Control
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisites: BIO 11 and BIO 12 or BIO 23 and BIO 24
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Microbiology and Infection Control Introduction to microbial structure, function andreproduction. Introduces the medical aspects of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, serology, immunology, epidemiology and infection control.Required for Allied Career Programs.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
MLT 89: Diagnostic Mircobiology
Bronx CC
MLT 89: Diagnostic Mircobiology
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: BIO 28 OR BIO 43 and departmental approval
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
Advanced study of microorganisms with emphasis on diagnostic techniques for identifying pathogens. Included are morphological, cultural, biochemical, immunological and serological methods, and antibiotic testing.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
MLT 88: Intro to Clinical Microbiology
Bronx CCGrade Requirement: C- or above.
MLT 88: Intro to Clinical Microbiology
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Grade Requirement: C- or above.
Requisites: None
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
This is a clinical microbiology course with emphasis on basic microbiology concepts of cell structure, physiology, metabolism, genetics, growth and ecology, microbial control as well as clinical microbiological techniques required to culture and identify infectious disease agents.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
BIOL. 3003: Microbiology & BIOL. 3004: Microbiology Laboratory
Brooklyn College
BIOL. 3003: Microbiology & BIOL. 3004: Microbiology Laboratory
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
BIOL. 3003: Microbiology
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
3 hours; 3 credits Microbiology as a science, structure and function of microbes, microbial interrelationships, microbial metabolism, mechanisms of recombination, and microbes as agents of disease.Prerequisite: Biology 1001 and Biology 1002
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIOL. 3004: Microbiology Laboratory
Credits: 2
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
4 hours; 2 credits Techniques for isolation, cultivation, and characterization of bacteria and the use of microbes as experimental organisms.Prerequisite: Biology 1001, and Biology 1002Prerequisite or corequisite: Biology 3003.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 420: Microbiology
Borough of Manhattan CC
BIO 420: Microbiology
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite:(CHE 121 or CHE 118) and BIO 426
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Micro-organisms pathogenic to humans: their characteristics, pathogenicity and modes of transmission are studied. Instruction includes a study of the sterile technique and maintenance of the sterile field. Required in selected programs in the Health Sciences; available to other students through Departmental approval.Note: This course satisfies Pathways Life and Physical Science and Scientific World areas.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
BIO 350: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology & BIO 351: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology Laboratory
College of Staten Island
BIO 350: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology & BIO 351: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology Laboratory
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
BIO 350: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology
Pre-requisite: BIO 160 with a grade of C or better. Corequisite: BIO 351.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
A one-semester course that surveys the major groups of microorganisms with emphasis on those involved in human health problems. The principles of immunity and hypersensitivity, microbial control, and the principal microbial diseases are discussed. Not credited toward the Biology major.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 351: Microbiology and Cellular Pathology Laboratory
Pre-requisite: BIO 160. Co-requisite: BIO 350.
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Laboratory exercises correlated with topics covered in BIO 350.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 24900: Microbiology for Health Professionals
City College
BIO 24900: Microbiology for Health Professionals
City College
City College
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Introductory microbiology course geared towards future healthcare professionals. Students will learn the fundamentals of microbes in infectious diseases and immunity. This course will not count towards elective credit for biology majors, but will count towards total credits needed for graduation from the college.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 310: Microbiology
Hostos CC
BIO 310: Microbiology
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: BIO 220 or BIO 240
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
The student will study and describe terms related to the following aspects of microbiology: history, methods of studying and cultivation, reproduction and growth, metabolism, genetics, and control. The student will also study the following topics: pathogens, resistance and immunity, bacteria, rickettsia, chlamydia, viruses, parasitology, mycology, and epidemiology.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
BIO 310W: Microbiology
Hostos CC
BIO 310W: Microbiology
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: BIO 220 or BIO 240
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
The student will study and describe terms related to the following aspects of microbiology: history, methods of studying and cultivation, reproduction and growth, metabolism, genetics, and control. The student will also study the following topics: pathogens, resistance and immunity, bacteria, rickettsia, chlamydia, viruses, parasitology, mycology, and epidemiology.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
BIOL 23000: Fundamentals of Microbiology
Hunter College
BIOL 23000: Fundamentals of Microbiology
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisites: (BIOL120 OR BIOL102) & (CHEM100 OR CHEM102 OR CHEM104) & (CHEM101 OR CHEM103 OR OR CHEM105 OR CHEM 106) OR (CHEM 111 OR CHEM 112 OR CHEM 113)
Credits: 3
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Topics include scope, historical aspects, taxonomy, survey of the microbial world, viruses, infectious diseases, control of microorganisms, and immunology.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 211: Microbiology & BIO 212: Microbiology Laboratory
John Jay College
BIO 211: Microbiology & BIO 212: Microbiology Laboratory
John Jay College
John Jay College
BIO 211: Microbiology
Prerequisite: ENG 101, BIO 104, CHE 103 or 101 and 102
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is focused on the fundamental principles of Microbiology. Lecture topics include: microbial cell structure and function, microbial genetics, and host-microbe relationships. Special topics will explore current advances in technology and medical research, such as the human microbiome, synthetic biology, and emerging infectious diseases. Homework assignments will address ethical issues in microbiology such as the role of microbes in genetic engineering, vaccination, and widespread antibiotic usage in medicine and agriculture.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 212: Microbiology Laboratory
Prerequisites: ENG 101 and CHE 103 (or CHE 101 + 102)Pre- or co-requisite: BIO 211
Credits: 2
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours
This course will provide students with hands-on experience in classical and modern microbiological techniques. General laboratory exercises include: sterile culturing and enumeration of microbes, analysis of environmental and metabolic requirements for microbial growth, and microscopy. Molecular microbiological techniques such as DNA extraction and analysis will be used in microbial identification exercises. Basic computational tools will be used to identify microbes and understand evolutionary relatedness shared between different organisms. Special discussion topics will address the ethics of creating genetically modified microorganisms for medical and industrial applications. Protective eyewear and a laboratory coat are required.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 5000: General Microbiology
Kingsborough CC
BIO 5000: General Microbiology
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Examines the diverse structure and activities of microbes in a wide number of environs, including the use of microbes in food production, antibiotic production, and bioremediation. Basic microbiological techniques are conducted such as staining, aseptic transfer, and pure culture techniques. More advanced laboratories are performed demonstrating the interdisciplinary nature of microbiology including collection of marine water and sediment samples for cultivation of algae and the isolation of antibiotic-producing microbes, and studies of various microbial relationships using plants. This course satisfies the elective credit requirement for Biology majors.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
BIO 5100: Microbiology in Health and Disease
Kingsborough CC
BIO 5100: Microbiology in Health and Disease
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
For students preparing for Nursing, Physician's Assistant and other allied health sciences only. This course examines the role of microbes as infectious agents responsible for a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions. Disease transmission, treatment, and prevention are considered. The laboratory focuses on the basic methods to cultivate, identify and control microbial growth. This course does not satisfy the Biology major elective requirement.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
SCB 260: General Microbiology
LaGuardia CC
SCB 260: General Microbiology
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of SCB 202 OR SCB 204 OR SCB 209 is required
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces students to microorganisms found in nature, industry anddisease. Topics covered include virology, bacteriology, immunology, epidemiology,pathology and other related areas of microbial physiology. The laboratory will dealwith the isolation and identification of common pathogenic and non-pathogenicorganisms utilizing techniques of staining, culturing, fermentation reactions andmicroscopic inspection. The lab sessions will reinforce and emphasize lecture material.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIOL 231: Microbiology
Guttman CC
BIOL 231: Microbiology
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Preq: A grade of C or better in MATH 120 or equivalent; a grade of C or better in BIOL 211 and a grade of C or better in CHEM 211Co-req: BIOL 221
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces students to basic concepts specific to microbial structure/function, metabolism, regulation and growth. In Microbiology, students will explore the structure, function, and taxonomy of microbes, including bacteria and viruses, and their relationships to health and disease. In the laboratory component, students will participate in research projects that explore topics essential to understanding and exploring the microbial world. This course has a mandatory lecture and lab component.
This course was last offered in the Spring 2024 semester.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 3302: Microbiology
NYC College of Technology
BIO 3302: Microbiology
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: BIO 2311 OR 1101
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
The fundamentals of microbiology with laboratory practice in pure techniques, methods of staining and the microscopic and colonial recognition of saprophytic organisms.SATISFIES FLEXIBLE CORE- SCIENTIFIC WORLD
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
BI 311: Microbiology
Queensborough CC
BI 311: Microbiology
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
May not be taken by those students who have completed BI-461. Study of bacteria, molds, yeasts, and viruses, with emphasis on micro-organisms associated with infectious diseases. Laboratory work includes basic microbiological techniques, and procedures for sterilization and disinfection.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BI 461: General Microbiology
Queensborough CC
BI 461: General Microbiology
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
Theoretical and laboratory studies of microbiology, including history, taxonomy, morphology, physiology, effects of physical and chemical agents, antibiosis, bioenergetics and metabolism, genetics, immunology, and hypersensitivity.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIOL 201: General Microbiology
Queens College
BIOL 201: General Microbiology
Queens College
Queens College
PRE: BIOL 105 and BIOL 106; (CHEM 1021 and 1023) or (CHEM 1141 and 1144)
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
Significance, structure, metabolism, and functions of microorganisms; the basic bacteriological techniques of culture, isolation, and identification.This course has an M&T Fee. For more info visit:
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIOL 45: Microbiology for Health Professions
Queens College
BIOL 45: Microbiology for Health Professions
Queens College
Queens College
Prereq.: A grade of C+ or better in BIOL 11 or BIOL 40, or equivalent, or permission ofinstructor. May not be used to fulfill biology major or minor requirements. Not open to students who have completed BIOL 201.
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Microbiology with emphases on characteristics, natural history, and handling of human pathogens. This course is designed for students planning to enter into a professional nursing program or other health professions.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 265: Clinical Microbiology
York College
BIO 265: Clinical Microbiology
York College
York College
Credits: 3
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 2.0 Lecture hours
Morphology, metabolism, growth, nutrition, and genetics of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, and protozoa, as a background for the discussion of the role of microorganisms in disease. Topics include the disease process leading to infections of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urogenital systems; blood, skin, wound, nosocomial, and opportunistic infections. Natural and acquired immunity, physical and chemical methods of control, chemotherapy and antibiotic therapy in disease treatment. Laboratory exercises include the handling and cultivation of microorganisms, differential staining and the diagnostic bacteriology of clinically relevant gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
BIO 230: Microbiology & BIO 230: Microbiology
Lehman College
BIO 230: Microbiology & BIO 230: Microbiology
Lehman College
Lehman College
BIO 230: Microbiology
Pre-requisite 2-100 Level Biology, Grade C or higher.
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
A survey of microbes and their structure, chemical composition, cultivation, ecology, and metabolism; special emphasis on applied aspects (infectious diseases and human resistance, food and industrial microbiology, biotechnology). PREREQ: Two semesters of 100-level biology, Grade of C or higherNote: The course cannot fulfill any requirements within the BIO major or BIO minor).
(Regular Liberal Arts)
BIO 230: Microbiology
Pre-requisite 2-100 Level Biology, Grade C or higher.
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
A survey of microbes and their structure, chemical composition, cultivation, ecology, and metabolism; special emphasis on applied aspects (infectious diseases and human resistance, food and industrial microbiology, biotechnology). PREREQ: Two semesters of 100-level biology, Grade of C or higherNote: The course cannot fulfill any requirements within the BIO major or BIO minor).
(Regular Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
BIO 261: Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology for Health Professions & BIOL 261: Pathogenic Microbiology & Immunology For Health Professionals Lab
Medgar Evers College
BIO 261: Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology for Health Professions & BIOL 261: Pathogenic Microbiology & Immunology For Health Professionals Lab
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
BIO 261: Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology for Health Professions
BIO 152 & BIO 202 OR BIO 252 PRE-REQS
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course will introduce the student i) to the principles of microbiology and microbiological techniques with emphasis on bacterial, fungal, viral, viroids, prions, protozoan and helminths pathogens, ii) to the principles of immunology in the control of infectious diseases. Students taking this course for the first time are required to take the lecture and the corresponding lab course concurrently. If the lab or lecture component of the course has been successfully completed previously with a passing and transferable grade or better, then the corresponding lab or lecture course that was not successfully completed previously may be retaken separately.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
BIOL 261: Pathogenic Microbiology & Immunology For Health Professionals Lab
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
This will provide the microbiological laboratory skills required to work in the fields of professional health. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:1) Explain principles of physical and chemical methods used in the control of microorganisms and apply this understanding to the prevention and control of infectious diseases. 2). Demonstrate appropriate laboratory skills and techniques related to the isolation, staining, identification, assessment of metabolism, and control of microorganisms. 3). Develop the ability to work both independently and with others in the laboratory and draw appropriate conclusions from laboratory results. Students taking this course for the first time are required to take the lecture and the corresponding lab course concurrently. If the lab or lecture component of the course has been successfully completed previously with a passing and transferable grade or better, then the corresponding lab or lecture course that was not successfully completed previously may be retaken separately.
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)