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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer from every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Lehman College
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Lehman College
Lehman College
Co-requisite CHE 166
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Introduction to the practical aspects of chemical principles, with emphasis on quantitative measurements and analytical technique.PRE or COREQ: CHE 166
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
CHEM. 1201: General Chemistry I Laboratory
Brooklyn College
CHEM. 1201: General Chemistry I Laboratory
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
3 hours laboratory; 1.5 creditsIntroduction to the chemical laboratory. Experiments involving quantitative measurements of solids, liquids, and solutions. Demonstrations of physical properties, stoichiometry, and elementary spectroscopy and other analytical techniques. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed Chemistry 1100). Pre/Corequisite: Chemistry 1200 or Chemistry 2060
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHM 121: General Chemistry I Laboratory
College of Staten Island
CHM 121: General Chemistry I Laboratory
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
CQ CHM 141
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Experiments reinforce important chemical concepts discussed in lectures, teach modern lab techniques, and emphasize present day interpretations of lab measurements. (science).
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHML 201: Gen Chemistry I Lab
Medgar Evers College
CHML 201: Gen Chemistry I Lab
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
An introduction to the basic principles and theories of chemistryincluding atomic theory, laws of chemical combination, periodicclassification of the elements, states of matter, and kinetic moleculartheory. The aim of classroom and laboratory work is to prepare thestudent for advanced study in chemistry. Co-requisite: CHM 201
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)
CHEM 109: Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
York College
CHEM 109: Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory
York College
York College
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Laboratory course designed to accompany Chemistry 108. Topics include laboratory safety, measurements of mass and volume, and experiments designed to demonstrate concepts from Chemistry 108. Not open to students with credit for CHEM 101.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I & CHE 169: General Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I & CHE 169: General Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
Lehman College
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Co-requisite CHE 166
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Introduction to the practical aspects of chemical principles, with emphasis on quantitative measurements and analytical technique.PRE or COREQ: CHE 166
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 169: General Chemistry Laboratory II
Pre or Coreq: CHE 168 and Pre-req: CHE 167
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Continuation of CHE 167. Emphasis will be on inorganic preparation, ionic separation, and qualitative analysis.PRE or COREQ: CHE 168PREREQ: CHE 167
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
CHEM 10600: General Chemistry Lab
Hunter College
CHEM 10600: General Chemistry Lab
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisite or Corequisite: CHEM 10400
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Laboratory hours
Experiments designed to illustrate the fundamental laws of chemistry. The course is equivalent one year of general chemistry laboratory. Primarily for pre-med, medical laboratory sciences and science majors.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
CHE 166: General Chemistry I & CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Lehman College
CHE 166: General Chemistry I & CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Lehman College
Lehman College
CHE 166: General Chemistry I
Pre or Coreq: MAT 171 or MAT 172 or satisfaction of requirements for placement into Calculus I (MAT 175)
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Recitation hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Fundamental laws and theories of chemistry.PRE or COREQ: MAT 171 or MAT 172 or satisfaction of requirements for placement into calculus I (MAT 175).
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 167: General Chemistry Laboratory I
Co-requisite CHE 166
Credits: 1.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Introduction to the practical aspects of chemical principles, with emphasis on quantitative measurements and analytical technique.PRE or COREQ: CHE 166
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
CHM 2003: General Chemistry I
Baruch College
CHM 2003: General Chemistry I
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: Biological Sciences Plan or (Liberal Arts Ad Hoc Plan with Biology Sub-Plan) or Chemistry Minor or Natural Sciences Minor or Environmental Sustainability Minor. Not open to students who have completed CHM 1000, CHM 1003L, CHM 1004, or CHM 1005.
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
This course is a survey of the basic principles and laboratory techniques of chemistry. Topics covered include stoichiometry, electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonding, molecular structure, states of matter, and solutions. Recommended for science majors and students with strong chemistry backgrounds. Not open to students who have taken CHM 2100.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHM 11: General College Chemistry I
Bronx CC
CHM 11: General College Chemistry I
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisites: MTH 28 or MTH 28.5; Corequisite: ENG 110, if required
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours, 2.0 Recitation hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Fundamental principles and theories of chemistry, aspects of atomic structure and bonding, chemical calculations, states of matter, solutions. Laboratory: chemical techniques and principles.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 201: Chemistry I
Borough of Manhattan CC
CHE 201: Chemistry I
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index 58+ or completion of ENG 88, ESL 94, or higher and MAT 56 or higher
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
This is the first semester of a two-semester course sequence that involves the study of chemical principles including atomic and molecular theories, molecular structure, and reactivity. The Laboratory will include experiments illustrating the chemical principles. Two terms required. Required in A.S. )Science) and A.S. (Engineering Science). Fulfills science requirements for A.A. (Liberal Arts).Note: This course satisfies Pathways Life and Physical Science and Scientific World areas.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHEM 10301: General Chemistry I
City College
CHEM 10301: General Chemistry I
City College
City College
PRE - MATH 19500 (MIN C)
Credits: 4
Hours: 7.0 Lecture hours
This is the first semester of a two-semester general chemistry course-sequence. An in-depth introduction to the fundamental laws and techniques of chemistry for majors in science and engineering. Topics include: measurement; stoichiometry; the gaseous state; thermochemistry; atomic structure and chemical bonding; redox reactions; solids, liquids and intermolecular forces.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 210: General Chemistry I
Hostos CC
CHE 210: General Chemistry I
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre/Co-Requisite: MAT 160 AND ENG/ESL 91/93, ENG 101, ENG 102 or higher
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
The students will analyze data and solve problems related to the principles of modern atomic theory, stoichiometry, oxidation-reduction reactions, gas laws, oxidation-reduction reactions, gas laws, thermochemistry, electromagnetic radiation and quantum theory, chemical bonding and molecular structure and properties of solutions. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 103: General Chemistry I
John Jay College
CHE 103: General Chemistry I
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisites: Majoring in Forensic Science, Cell and Molecular Biology, or Toxicology and placement into 103 by Chemistry placement exam
Credits: 5
Hours: 1.5 Recitation hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is for students majoring in Forensic Science, Cell and Molecular Biology, or Toxicology, and for students minoring in Biology or Chemistry who have a strong math and science background. Using a molecular approach, it provides a comprehensive (lecture, recitation, laboratory) first year introduction to the principles of chemistry, with topics that include modern atomic and molecular theory, basic properties and reactions of the elements and compounds, chemical quantities and aqueous reactions, the quantum mechanical model of the atom, gases, thermochemistry, periodic properties of the elements and stoichiometry, VSEPR and bond theories, all of which will be explored in greater detail in General Chemistry II. Laboratory exercises stress principles of qualitative and semi-quantitative experimentation. They will foster a better understanding of chemical principles and ensure that the necessary skills are developed to work in a scientific laboratory safely and effectively.This course has a $25.00 material fee. This course satisfies the Required Core: Life and Physical Sciences area or the Flexible Core: Scientific World area of the Gen Ed Program. For assistance in registering, contact the Sciences Dept. Note: Students who place into MAT 141 Pre-Calculus with a CAA of 90 or higher or MAT 241 Calculus I or above start the Chemistry sequence in CHE 103. Students can be taking MAT 141 or MAT 241 or higher at the same time as CHE 103. Students wishing to minor in Biology or Chemistry should see the Sciences Dept. for assistance with registration.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHM 1100: General Chemistry I
Kingsborough CC
CHM 1100: General Chemistry I
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Prerequisite: MAT 9010 or MAT 9B0 or MAT 900 and CHM 200ORPrerequisite: MAT 9010 or MAT 9B0 or MAT 900 and Chemistry Ready Placement Score placing into CHM 1100ORCorequisite: CHM 100Contact Department for Chemistry Ready Placement information
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
First of a two-semester lecture and laboratory sequence intended for science and engineering majors. Lecture topics include: atomic theory, stoichiometry of chemical reactions, types of reactions, introduction to acid-base, solubility, and reduction-oxidation chemistry, thermochemistry, quantum mechanical description of atoms, the elements and the periodic table, covalent bonding, molecular geometry, properties of real and ideal gases, liquids, and solids, and colligative properties of binary mixtures. Laboratory: An experimental approach to chemical sciences with emphasis on developing fundamental, reproducible laboratory technique and a goal of understanding achieving precision and accuracy in laboratory experiments. Proper use of laboratory equipment and standard wet chemical methods are practiced. Areas of investigations include acid-base, precipitation, and reduction-oxidation chemistry, thermochemistry, ideal gases, spectroscopy, and green chemistry. Student must complete CHM 1100 Laboratory - Initial Student Safety Instruction & Certification prior to the first laboratory meeting. See Department of Physical Sciences website Chemistry Laboratory Safety section for information.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
SCC 201: General Chemistry I
LaGuardia CC
SCC 201: General Chemistry I
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisites of English Proficiency AND MAT 115 are required.
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is part I of a two-semester sequence covering concepts of General Chemistry. It is intended for students planning to major in science or engineering who require one year of chemistry. Among the topics studied are atomic structure, chemical bonding and reactivity, quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, thermochemistry, and gases.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Scientific World OR Required Core-Life & Physical Sciences
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHM 201: General Chemistry I
Medgar Evers College
CHM 201: General Chemistry I
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
An introduction to the basic principles and theories of chemistry including atomic theory, laws of chemical combination, periodic classification of the elements, states of matter, and kinetic molecular theory. The aim of classroom and laboratory work is to prepare the student for advanced study in chemistry
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHEM 211: General Chemistry I
Guttman CC
CHEM 211: General Chemistry I
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Prereq: A grade of C or better in Math 120 or Math 120.5 OR Co-Req: Math 120 or Math 120.5.
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
An in-depth introduction to chemistry for science and engineering students including stoichiometry calculations, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, and gases. Weekly labs will reinforce and coordinate with the topics of the class.
This course was last offered in the Fall 2024 semester.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHEM 1110: General Chemistry I
NYC College of Technology
CHEM 1110: General Chemistry I
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
Pre/corequisite: (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101CO or ENG 1101ML) and (MAT 1275 or MAT1275CO or higher)
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
An introduction to the principles of general chemistry. As a first semester course in a two-part series, it provides the concepts of atomic structure, nomenclature, stoichiometry, behavior of gases, chemical bonding, and geometry and types of chemical reactions.SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCES
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CH 151: General Chemistry I
Queensborough CC
CH 151: General Chemistry I
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 4.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
This course is the first part of a two-semester sequence that provides students with a fundamental knowledge of the modern theory in general and inorganic chemistry. It covers topics that are essential to many disciplines in science and technology, and the health professions, with an emphasis on developing problem-solving skills. Topics include matter and energy; chemical nomenclature; mass relationships and stoichiometry; reactions in aqueous solutions; gas laws and kinetic molecular theory; atomic structure and quantum theory; periodicity of elements; chemical bonding and molecular structure; states of matter and intermolecular forces; properties of solutions; and colligative properties. Laboratory work provides training in common experimental methods and hands-on application of theory. The students in Honors classes will attend scientific seminars and write a short paper.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHEM 1134: General Chemistry I
Queens College
CHEM 1134: General Chemistry I
Queens College
Queens College
COREQ: CHEM 1131. PREREQ: A grade of C or better in MATH 115 (or equivalent)
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Lecture hours
(Note: It is recommended that students have passed the New York State Regents Examinations in Chemistry or Physics with a score of 80 or higher, or have a grade of C or better in CHEM 101.3 and 101.1 before enrolling in this course.) This course is required for more advanced study in chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. It is intended for students in the physical and life sciences, science education, pre-health professional students, and pre-engineering students and is designed to provide a thorough knowledge of facts and theory in the fundamental areas of chemistry. As appropriate, topics are presented in terms of contemporary scientific issues such as global warming, energy production, and hazardous waste. The relationship between chemistry and society is discussed.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)