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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer from every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
CHE 235: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
CHE 235: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
Lehman College
Pre-requisite: CHE 233. Co-requisite: CHE 234.
Credits: 2
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
Continuation of CHE 233. PREREQ: CHE 233. COREQ: CHE 234. (See information for corequisite courses.)
(Regular Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
CHEM. 3522: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Brooklyn College
CHEM. 3522: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 2
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
4 hour laboratory; 2 creditsAn introduction to basic laboratory skills of organic chemistry. Emphasis is placed on qualitative analysis and spectroscopic identification of compounds. (Students who have taken Chemistry 2500 or Chemistry 3520 will lose credit for Chemistry 2500 or 3520 upon successful completion of this course.)Prerequisite: Chemistry 3512 or 3510Prerequisite/Corequisite: Chemistry 3521
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHM 256: Organic Chemistry II
College of Staten Island
CHM 256: Organic Chemistry II
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
PQ CHM 250
Credits: 5
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
A continuation of CHM 250 with an emphasis on functional group chemistry and bioorganic chemistry. By the end of the two-semester sequence IR and NMR analysis are discussed in detail in conjunction with classical methods of structural determination. (LP)(SW)(STEM)
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHEM 37400: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
City College
CHEM 37400: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
City College
City College
PRE: CHEM 26300 (MIN C) AND (26200 OR 27200) (MIN C)
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
A continuation of Chemistry 26200/27200 stressing qualitative organic analysis.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHE 322: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Hostos CC
CHE 322: Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre/Co-Requisite: CHE 320
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
The student will perform exercises involving the preparation, purification and characterization of organic compounds. This course is required for the dual admission/joint degree in Science for Forensic Science. This course is required for the dual admission/joint degree in Science for Forensic Science.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHEM 22500: Organic Chemistry 2 (Lab)
Hunter College
CHEM 22500: Organic Chemistry 2 (Lab)
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisites: CHEM 223 & Pre/Co: 22404 or 22406; Coreq: Chem 22501
Credits: 2.5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
Organic Chemistry 2 (Lab)
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHML 304: Organic Chem II Lab
Medgar Evers College
CHML 304: Organic Chem II Lab
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 1
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours
The structure, preparation and properties of organic compoundswith emphasis on reactivity, reaction mechanisms, stereochemistryand synthesis. Laboratory studies include modern experimental andresearch techniques for preparing, purifying and identifying organiccompounds, and the use of polarimeter, infra-red and ultravioletspectrometers, NMR, and chromatography. Pre-requisite: CHM 303/Co-requisite: CHM 304 and CHMW 304/Pre/Co-requisite: MTH 203
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)
CHEM 2521: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Queens College
CHEM 2521: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Queens College
Queens College
PREREQ or COREQ: CHEM 2524. PREREQ: A grade of C or better in CHEM 2514 and 2511
Credits: 1
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
Introduction to the preparation and purification of organic compounds, and qualitative analytical techniques.This course has an M&T Fee. For more info visit:
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHEM 234: Techniques of Organic Chemistry II
York College
CHEM 234: Techniques of Organic Chemistry II
York College
York College
Credits: 2
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
Continuation of Chemistry 232; organic qualitative analysis, rational synthesis, and independent investigation.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
CHE 234: Organic Chemistry Lecture II & CHE 235: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
CHE 234: Organic Chemistry Lecture II & CHE 235: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Lehman College
Lehman College
CHE 234: Organic Chemistry Lecture II
Pre-requisite: CHE 232. Co-requisite: CHE 235.
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Lecture hours
Continuation of CHE 232.PREREQ: CHE 232. COREQ: CHE 235. (See information for corequisite courses.)
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHE 235: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Pre-requisite: CHE 233. Co-requisite: CHE 234.
Credits: 2
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours
Continuation of CHE 233. PREREQ: CHE 233. COREQ: CHE 234. (See information for corequisite courses.)
(Regular Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
CHM 32: Organic Chemistry II
Bronx CC
CHM 32: Organic Chemistry II
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: CHM 31
Credits: 5
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
Organic spectroscopy (IR, NMR, UV) and mass spectrometry; molecular orbitaltheory applied to conjugated and aromatic systems; physical, chemical properties and major reactions of the main classes of organic molecules; aromatics, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives, amines, amides, peptides, carbohydrates as well as carbonyl-substitution reactions and carbonyl condensation reactions.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
CHE 240: Organic Chemistry II
Borough of Manhattan CC
CHE 240: Organic Chemistry II
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: CHE 230
Credits: 5
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
This two-semester course sequence is the study of the structure and properties of the fundamental classes of organic compounds with emphasis on reactivity, reaction mechanisms, stereochemistry, electronic theory and applications to allied fields. Two terms are required.Note: This course satisfies Pathways Life and Physical Science and Scientific World areas.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
CHE 202: Organic Chemistry II
John Jay College
CHE 202: Organic Chemistry II
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: ENG 101 + CHE 201
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.5 Recitation hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Introductory study of properties and behavior of organic molecules, including nomenclature, structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms, synthetic methods, and modern spectroscopic techniques for structural analysis. Concurrent laboratory work utilizing modern semi-micro methodology for synthesis, purification, and analysis.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHM 3200: Organic Chemistry II
Kingsborough CC
CHM 3200: Organic Chemistry II
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 5
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours, 5.0 Laboratory hours
Continued study of structure and reactivity of organic compounds including structure and bonding, nomenclature, synthesis, stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms of the important functional groups of organic compounds. Laboratory covers basic processes of organic chemistry, advanced instrumental methods, study of functional groups and derivatives and qualitative organic analysis. Select students may be introduced to research methods.Student must complete CHM 3200 Laboratory - Initial Student Safety Instruction & Certification prior to the first laboratory meeting. See Department of Physical Sciences website Chemistry Laboratory Safety section for information.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
SCC 252: Organic Chemistry II
LaGuardia CC
SCC 252: Organic Chemistry II
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of SCC 251 is required
Credits: 5
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours, 4.0 Laboratory hours
This is the second part of a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry, dealing with the synthesis, structure, reactivity and mechanisms of reaction of organiccompounds. The course will include a systematic study of alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, heterocycles and biomolecules. Thelaboratory stresses the synthesis, purification, separation and identification of organic compounds.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CHEM 2323: Organic Chemistry II
NYC College of Technology
CHEM 2323: Organic Chemistry II
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: CHEM 2223
Credits: 5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
The second part of a two-semester sequence in organic chemistry. Topics include the chemistries of alcohols, ethers, conjugated and aromatic compounds, carbonyl compounds, and amines. The oxidation-reduction chemistry of organic compounds and properties of carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids are introduced. Laboratory work stresses the preparation and spectroscopic characterization of organic compounds.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
CH 252: Organic Chemistry II
Queensborough CC
CH 252: Organic Chemistry II
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 5
Hours: 4.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
A sequel to CH-251; this course develops the relationship between properties and structure of organic compounds in greater detail. In addition, current syntheses, modern mechanisms of organic reactions, and spectroscopic identification ofcompounds are discussed. The main families of organic compounds of biochemical interest and their typical reactions are studied. Laboratory work involves the synthesis, purification, and identification of organic compounds, as well as organic qualitative analysis including IR spectroscopy.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
CHEM 2524: Organic Chem II
Queens College
CHEM 2524: Organic Chem II
Queens College
Queens College
PREREQ or COREQ: CHEM 2521. PREREQ: A grade of C or better in CHEM 2514 and 2511
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
The first of a two-semester sequence intended for students in the physical and life sciences, science education, pre-health professional students, and pre-engineering students. The structure, preparation, properties, and reactions of the principal classes of organic compounds are presented. Considerable emphasis is placed on basic theory.
(Regular Liberal Arts)