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This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
MAT 172: Precalculus
Lehman College
MAT 172: Precalculus
Lehman College
Lehman College
Pre-req: MAT 104 C Grade
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, with applications to problems in mathematics and the sciences.PREREQ: A grade of C (or better) in MAT 104 or placement by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.Notes: (1) Students may not receive credit for both MAT 171 and MAT 172. (2) MAT 172 is a prerequisite for MAT 175. Students planning on taking MAT 174 should take MAT 171 instead of MAT 172.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
..If this course is taken
MTH 2001: Pre-Calculus
Baruch College
MTH 2001: Pre-Calculus
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: MTH 1030 with a grade of C or better; or placement into MTH 2001, MTH 2003,or MTH 2009; or departmental permission. Not open to students who have completed MTH 2000, 2002T, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2009T, 2010, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2600, 2610, 2011, 2630, or any mathematics course at the 3000 level or above.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces the student to techniques of algebra, trigonometry, and other topics necessary for the study of calculus as well as quantitative courses in allied disciplines. Topics to be covered include advanced topics in algebra, analytic geometry of straight lines and conic sections, analytic trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and theory of algebraic equations. Not open to students who have completed MTH 2000, 2002T, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2009T, 2010, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2600, 2610, 2011, 2630, or any mathematics course at the 3000 level or above.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MTH 2009: Precalculus
Baruch College
MTH 2009: Precalculus
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisites: MTH 1023, FSPM 1023, or placement into MTH 2009T. This course is not open to students who completed MTH 2000, 2001, 2010, 2030, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2610, or 2630 or any mathematics course at the 3000-level or above.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.5 Lecture hours
This course integrates material from pre-calculus with introductory topics from applied calculus, including a detailed study of functions, limits and continuity, the circle, tangent lines, rates of change, differentiation of algebraic functions, matrices, and systems of linear equations. Applications from economics and finance will be included and the use of the TI 89/92 calculator as well as Excel will be required. Students may receive credit for MTH 2009 or MTH 2003, not both. These courses may substitute for each other in the F-grade replacement policy. This course is also not open to students who completed MTH 2000, 2001, 2010, 2030, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2610, or 2630 or any mathematics course at the 3000-level or above.NOTE: The policy on repeating courses covers any combination of MTH 2009 and MTH 2003, e.g., one course taken three times, or a one-and-two combination. All combinations will be treated identically as three attempts.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MTH 2009T: Precalculus
Baruch College
MTH 2009T: Precalculus
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisites: MTH 1023, FSPM 1023, or placement into MTH 2009T. This course is not open to students who completed MTH 2000, 2001, 2010, 2030, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2610, or 2630 or any mathematics course at the 3000-level or above.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.5 Lecture hours
The course content is identical to MTH 2009: it integrates material from pre-calculus with introductory topics from applied calculus, including a detailed study of functions, limits, and continuity, the circle, tangent lines, rates of change, and differentiation of algebraic functions. Applications from economics and finance will be included and the use of the TI 89/92 calculator will be required. MTH 2009T is a six-hour course that includes additional instructional time with the mathematics professor. Students may receive credit for MTH 2009T, MTH 2009, or MTH 2003. These courses may substitute for each other in the F-grade replacement policy. This course is not open to students who completed MTH 2000, 2001, 2010, 2030, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2610, or 2630 or any mathematics course at the 3000-level or above. NOTE: The policy on repeating courses covers any combination of MTH 2009, MTH 2009T, and MTH 2003, e.g., one course taken three times, or a one-and-two combination. All combinations will be treated identically as three attempts.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MTH 30: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Bronx CC
MTH 30: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: MTH 28 or 28.5
Credits: 4
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
The relation between a function and its graph, composition and inversion of functions, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH. 1012: Precalculus with Recitation
Brooklyn College
MATH. 1012: Precalculus with Recitation
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 3
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 4.0 Lecture hours
4 hours lecture, 1 hour recitation; 3 credits Preparation for calculus. Trigonometry. The concept of function, including, linear and quadratic functions, composition of functions, polynomials and rational functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions. Conic sections. Binomial theorem. Introduction to limit ideas. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed Mathematics 1021, 1026, 1201, 1206, or any Mathematics course numbered over 2000.) Starting Fall 2019 qualifies as STEM variant course - Satisfies Pathways Required Core Math and Quantitative Reasoning requirement.Prerequisite: All students entering into Math 1012 must have met one of the following conditions: Received a C- or higher in Math 1006, achieved minimum scores on the COMPASS test of s1 = 70, s2 = 70, and s3 = 45; achieved a minimum score of 60 on the ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test; placement by departmental examination; or permission of the deputy chair.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH. 1011: Precalculus Mathematics
Brooklyn College
MATH. 1011: Precalculus Mathematics
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
4 hours; 3 creditsPreparation for calculus. Trigonometry. The concept of function, including, linear and quadratic functions, composition of functions, polynomials and rational functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions. Conic sections. Binomial theorem. Introduction to limit ideas. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed Mathematics 1021, 1026, 1201, 1206, or any Mathematics course numbered over 2000.) STEM variant course - Satisfies Pathways Required Core Math and Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Prerequisite: All students entering into Mathematics 1011 must have met one of the following conditions: Received a B- or higher in Mathematics 1006, achieved minimum scores on the COMPASS test of s1 = 70, s2 = 70, and s3 = 45; achieved a minimum score of 70 on the ACCUPLACER College-Level Math test; placement by departmental examination; or permission of the deputy chair.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 206: Precalculus
Borough of Manhattan CC
MAT 206: Precalculus
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: MAT 157 or 157.5 and ESL 54 or higher or departmental approvalNon-Degree Students must seek approval from Math Department in Room N599.
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course covers basic algebraic and trigonometric skills, algebraic equations, and functions. Topics include: mathematical induction, complex numbers, and the binomial theorem.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 206.5: Intermediate Algebra & Precalculus (Same as MAT 206)
Borough of Manhattan CC
MAT 206.5: Intermediate Algebra & Precalculus (Same as MAT 206)
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: ESL 54 or higher and Math Proficiency Index 60+Non-Degree Students must seek approval from Math Department in Room N599.
Credits: 4
Hours: 8.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry with Precalculus. Topics include properties of real numbers, polynomials and factoring, equations and inequalities in one and two variables, systems of linear equations, rational expressions and functions, rational exponents and roots, quadratic functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions.
This course was last offered in the Fall 2024 semester.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MTH 130: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
College of Staten Island
MTH 130: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Prerequisite: MTH 123 or appropriate math placement
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
A functional approach to algebra and trigonometry. Selected topics such as trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, inverse trigonometric functions, complex numbers, rational functions, introduction to analytic geometry, inequalities, absolute value, theory of equations. Graphing calculators are used. (math). (STEM)Prerequisite: MTH 123 or MTH 125 or an appropriate math placement or permission of the Department of Mathematics.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MTH 230: Calculus I with Pre-Calculus
College of Staten Island
MTH 230: Calculus I with Pre-Calculus
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Prerequisite: MTH 123 with a grade of B or better or appropriate math placement or permission of the Department of Mathematics; Corequisite: MTH 229. Not open to students taken MTH 130.
Credits: 6
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
Pre-calculus material including functions, inverse functions, identities, theory of equations, and the binomial theorem. Material on calculus and analytic geometry corresponding to MTH 231 including limits, derivatives, rules of differentiation, trigonometric functions and their derivatives, differentiation, graph sketching, maxima/minima problems, related rates, antiderivatives, exponential and logarithmic functions. (math). Not open to students who have completed MTH 130.(STEM)
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH 19500: Precalculus
City College
MATH 19500: Precalculus
City College
City College
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Intervals, inequalities, operations on functions, inverse functions, graphing polynomial and rational functions, binomial theorem, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and formulas.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 160: Precalculus
Hostos CC
MAT 160: Precalculus
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: MAT 150 or placement, ANDPre/Co-Requisite:English Sections: ESL 86 88 or ESL 91 or higher, or ENG 100 or higherSpanish Sections: SPA 117 or SPA 121
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.5 Lecture hours
This course provides essential concepts for the study of calculus. Topics: concepts in analytic geometry; algebraic functions; transcendental functions, such as exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; graph analysis; and applications.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH 12550: Precalculus with Workshop
Hunter College
MATH 12550: Precalculus with Workshop
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisites: Math 10100/MATH 101EN with a grade of B- or better OR MATH 10150 with a grade of C or better; or the appropriate score on the Hunter Math Placement exam. Not open to students who have taken MATH 12500.
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 4.0 Lecture hours
This course replaces the course MATH 12500 (STEM) for students who intend to take calculus. It is designed to develop an understanding of topics and skills which are fundamental to the study of calculus and other science classes. The topics covered are: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs and applications; the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra; sequences, sums, and the Binomial Theorem. In addition to lecture, students are also required to attend a 50-minute recitation session once a week. This course is equivalent to Math 12500 for grade replacement purposes.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 141: Pre-Calculus
John Jay College
MAT 141: Pre-Calculus
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: MAT 105 or Placement into MAT 141 based on high school preparation
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines elementary functions and their role in the study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Topics are presented from a function perspective graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. Topics include a review of college algebra, functions, trigonometric functions, analytical trigonometry, conic sections, and miscellaneous topics. This course prepares students for the study of calculus and further develops their mathematical maturity.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 1400: Analytic Geometry and Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Kingsborough CC
MAT 1400: Analytic Geometry and Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Prerequisite: MAT 900 or MAT 9010 or MAT 9B0 with a grade of C or higherStudent Group = M114
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This pre-calculus course stresses real numbers, open sentences, functions and relations, and serves as an introduction to analytic geometry and to probability. Recommended for students planning to continue with calculus and/or mathematics electives.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 200: Precalculus
LaGuardia CC
MAT 200: Precalculus
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of MAT 115/117 OR Math Proficiency Index Score greater or equal to 70 is required.
Credits: 4
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
This course is intended as a preparation for the study of calculus. Functions and their graphsare analyzed theoretically within a framework that emphasizes their roles in applied settings.Particular attention is paid to polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric models. Use of graphing utilities (computer algebra systems, scientific/non-graphing calculators, etc.) as analytical tools is emphasized.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Scientific World
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
MTH 151: Precalculus
Medgar Evers College
MTH 151: Precalculus
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course is designed to provide students with the mathematical preparation necessary for a successful study of calculus. It also gives students in general education an opportunity to fulfill their desire for a mature investigation and understanding of the level of mathematics beyond the Algebra sequence through the study of real functions. In the study of the properties of real functions, both analytical and graphical methods will be used.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH 201: Precalculus
Guttman CC
MATH 201: Precalculus
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Prereq: Demonstration of Mathematical Proficiency; Grade of C or higher in MATH 120 or equivalent; or instructor's permission.
Credits: 3
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
This course is a comprehensive treatment of the conceptual and computational underpinnings of the calculus. Precalculus extends and deepens the functions-based approach introduced in College Algebra & Trigonometry. Verbal, numerical, and graphical representations are employed throughout to analyze functions. Topics include polynomial and rational functions; absolute value; matrices; conic sections; transformations; factoring polynomials; trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; inverse functions; rates of change; and modeling realistic situations with functions. Graphing calculators and software such as Microsoft Excel and Maple will be incorporated into all aspects of the course. Students will design and carry out a semester-long project involving advanced algebraic analysis of an issue attendant to New York City's development over time.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MAT 1375: Precalculus
NYC College of Technology
MAT 1375: Precalculus
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: MAT 1275 or MAT 1275CO OR Meet the Math Placement for MAT 1375
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
A pre-calculus functions course including topics from advanced algebra and theory of equations such as solutions of polynomial equations, DeMoivre's Theorem, Binomial Theorem, vectors, lines, conic sections and progressions.SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- MATH & QUANTITATIVE REASONING
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MA 440: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Queensborough CC
MA 440: Pre-Calculus Mathematics
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
PRE: MA119 & MA121 OR MA120 C
Credits: 4
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
Mathematical foundations necessary for the study of the calculus. An introduction to analytic geometry, and the elementary functions of analysis, including algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. The use of the graphing calculator will be included. Please note that students must complete both MA-119 and MA-121, with a C or better in both courses, or MA-114 with a grade of C or better, or MA-120 with a grade of C or better to register for MA-440.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH 122: Precalculus
Queens College
MATH 122: Precalculus
Queens College
Queens College
Prereq.: C- or above in MATH 115 or equivalent, or MATH 115M, or permission of the department
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course offers a thorough introduction to the topics required for calculus. Topics include real and complex numbers, algebra of functions, the fundamental theorem of algebra, trigonometry, logarithms, and exponential functions, conic sections, and the use of graphing calculators. Students unsure of their preparation for calculusare advised to take the Queens College mathematics placement test. Not open to students who have received credit, including transfer credit or advanced placement credit, for any calculus course. Students who fail or withdraw from this course multiple times may be prohibited from majoring in the sciences or mathematics; see the bulletin language for your major. (MQR)
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)
MATH 120: Precalculus
York College
MATH 120: Precalculus
York College
York College
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
A course intended to prepare students for Calculus, with an emphasis on functions and their graphs, as well as their properties; polynomial, rational, root, piecewise-defined, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; transformations of functions; composite and inverse functions; functions as models, and applications of various functions; solutions of exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric equations; equations and graphs of conic sections.
(Required Core - Mathematical&QuantitativeReasoning)