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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer from every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PHY 166: General Physics I
Lehman College
PHY 166: General Physics I
Lehman College
Lehman College
Prereq MAT 172 or MAT 171 & MAT 108 or placement into Calculus I (MAT 175)
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Algebra-based Physics: mechanics, heat, and sound (customarily taken by premedical, preveterinary, and predental students).PREREQ: MAT 172, or MAT 171 and MAT 108, or satisfaction of requirements forplacement into calculus I (MAT 175).
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
PHY 2003: General Physics I
Baruch College
PHY 2003: General Physics I
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: MTH 2003 or MTH 2009 or equivalent. Not open to students who have completed PHY 2001, 2002L, 3004, or 3010.
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is a quantitative study of the principles and techniques of physics. It is the first half of a one-year survey of physics. The following topics are studied: equilibrium of a rigid body, planar motion of bodies, Newtons laws, work and energy, conservation principles, elasticity and periodic motion, fluid statics and dynamics, temperature, heat thermodynamics, and mechanical waves. This course is designed for students with an interest in the natural sciences, computers, mathematics, or statistics.Not open to students who have completed PHY 2001 and PHY 2002L, PHY 3004, or PHY 3010.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 11: College Physics I
Bronx CC
PHY 11: College Physics I
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: MTH 28 or 28.5 or equivalent and Corequisite: ENG 110, if required
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Laboratory hours, 2.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to principles and methods of physics. Topics include Newton's Laws of Motion, mechanics, heat, and sound. (Recommended for Liberal Arts and life science majors, including biology and psychology.)
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 21: Physics For Engineering Technology I
Bronx CC
PHY 21: Physics For Engineering Technology I
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: MTH 28 or 28.5 or equivalent and Corequisite: ENG 110, if required
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Laboratory hours, 2.0 Lecture hours
Statics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, circular motion, and simple harmonic motion with special applications to problems in technology.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
PHYS. 1100: General Physics I
Brooklyn College
PHYS. 1100: General Physics I
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 5
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
3 hours lecture, 1 hour recitation, 3 hours laboratory; 5 creditsIntroduction to mechanics, heat, and sound. Intended for students interested in the biological sciences, medicine, or dentistry. (Not open to students who are enrolled in or have completed any of the following: Physics *1111 [1.1], *1112 [1.2], *1150 [1.5].) STEM variant course - Satisfies Pathways Flexible Core Scientific World requirement. Prerequisite: a grade of B or higher in Mathematics *1011 [2.9] or 1026 [2.92] or 1012 or a grade of C or higher in Mathematics 1201 [3.3]; or placement in Mathematics *1201 [3.3] on the basis of the calculus placement test. Students who think they are insufficiently prepared in problem solving are advised to take Physics *1111 [1.1] and *1112 [1.2] instead of Physics *1100 [1].
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 210: Physics I
Borough of Manhattan CC
PHY 210: Physics I
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: MAT 56
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
This classroom and laboratory two-semester course includes the study of concepts and principles of physics in the areas of mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, sound, electricity and magnetism, light, and atomic physics plus an introduction to quantum physics and relativity theory. Algebra and simple trigonometry are used.Note: This course satisfies Pathways Life and Physical Science and Scientific World areas.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 116: Physics I
College of Staten Island
PHY 116: Physics I
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Prerequisite: MTH 123 or appropriate math placement
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Intended for Biology and Health Science majors. Weight, balance; forces and torques exerted by muscles; introduction to motion and fluid flow; conservation of energy in animate and inanimate systems; energy consumption and metabolism; heat, gravitation, molecular potential energies; energy levels and transitions; binding and dissociation in large and small systems; free energy in chemistry and biology. Articulated experiments include mechanical systems simulating forces and torques in the human arm, energy conversion such as electrical energy to heat. (science)(LP)(SW). Prerequisite: MTH 123 or MTH 125.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 20300: General Physics I
City College
PHYS 20300: General Physics I
City College
City College
PRE: MATH 19500, or any of the following: 20100, 20200, 20300, 20500, or 20900.
Credits: 4
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
PHYS 20300 General Physics I: For majors in the life sciences (biology, medicine, dentistry, psychology, physical therapy) and for liberal arts students. Algebra based introductory physics course covering: vectors, kinematics, Newton's laws, equilibrium, gravitation, motion in a plane, work and energy, impulse and momentum, rotation and angular momentum, simple harmonic motion, fluids, heat, and thermodynamics. Use of mathematics is restricted to elementary algebra and some trigonometry. PHYS 20300 required for Premed, Predent., Bio-Med., and all Life Science students. Prereq.: MATH 19500. 3 lect., 2 lab/workshop hrs., 4 cr. Materials fee $10
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 21900: Physics for Architecture Students
City College
PHYS 21900: Physics for Architecture Students
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 4
Hours: 5.0 Lecture hours
A one-semester course for students of Architecture. Translational and rotational equilibrium. Newton's laws of motion and vibrations. Work, energy and power. Fluids and temperature. Heat and energy transfer.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 11000: General Physics: Introductory Course in Mechanics, Heat and Sound
Hunter College
PHYS 11000: General Physics: Introductory Course in Mechanics, Heat and Sound
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequsite: MATH 12400, MATH 12500, MATH 12550, MATH 15000 or MATH 15200 or MATH 15500.
Credits: 4.5
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
First semester of two-semester introductory physics course using algebra
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 101: College Physics I (Liberal Arts Physics)
John Jay College
PHY 101: College Physics I (Liberal Arts Physics)
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: MAT 105 or MAT 108 or MAT 141 or MAT 241 (or higher)
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Topics include kinematics, vectors, forces, Newton's law of motion, weight, gravitational field, free fall, non-uniformly accelerated motion, momentum and impulse, kinetic and potential energy, heat and thermodynamics, illumination and photometry, reflection of light, refraction.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 1100: General Physics I
Kingsborough CC
PHY 1100: General Physics I
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
First term of non-calculus two-semester lecture and laboratory course in classical and modern physics. Includes study of mechanics, heat, hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, harmonic motion and waves. Physical principles are demonstrated and students receive hands on laboratory experience. Corequisite: MAT 01400. Note: Recommended for students in liberal arts, pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-optometry and allied health.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
SCP 201: Fundamentals of Physics I
LaGuardia CC
SCP 201: Fundamentals of Physics I
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisites of Math Proficiency (MATHX=60+) or Math Developmental class AND English Proficiency (ENGLX=65+) or English Developmental class are required.
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is the first part of a year-long algebra-based physics sequence intended for life science and liberal arts majors. The sequence also fulfills the physics requirement for pre-professional programs in the health sciences. Among the subjects covered in the course are kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, conservation of linear momentum, rotational motion,Newton's gravitation, fluids, and oscillations.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Scientific World OR Required Core-Life & Physical Sciences
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 205: Introduction to Physics I
Medgar Evers College
PHY 205: Introduction to Physics I
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
MTH 151 & PHY 114
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This is the introductory course in physics designed for students majoring in the biological sciences. The course includes the basic laws of mechanics, energy and momentum conservation, and thermal properties of matter.
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
PHY 211: University Physics I
Medgar Evers College
PHY 211: University Physics I
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
MTH 202, PHYL 211 & PHYW 211 CO-REQS
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is the first part of the four semester calculus physics sequence. Topics include vectors, kinematics and dynamics of particles, work, energy conservation, linear and angular momentum conservation, rotational kinematics and dynamics, harmonic motion and fluid statics and dynamics.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PH 201: General Physics I
Queensborough CC
PH 201: General Physics I
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
PREREQ: MA114 or MA119 and MA121 or the equivalent, or advanced math placement (see Proficiency in Math and English)
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
A beginning course for technology students. Topics include units, vectors, equilibrium, linear motion, Newton's laws, circular motion, angular motion, momentum, vibration, and fluid motion. Emphasis is on applications. A working knowledge of simple algebra is assumed.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PH 301: College Physics I
Queensborough CC
PH 301: College Physics I
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
PREREQ: MA114 or MA119 and MA121 or the equivalent, or advanced math placement (see Proficiency in Math and English)
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
PH-301 and 302 are designed for students who need or want two semesters of noncalculus physics, such as those planning careers in optometry, dentistry, and other medically-related fields. Topics include elementary particles, conservation laws, vectors, laws of motion, linear and angular momentum, energy, gravitation, and thermodynamics.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 1214: General Physics I & PHYS 1211: General Physics I Laboratory
Queens College
PHYS 1214: General Physics I & PHYS 1211: General Physics I Laboratory
Queens College
Queens College
PHYS 1214: General Physics I
PREREQ: Trigonometry and algebra. PREREQ/COREQ: PHYS 1211
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Must be taken initially with PHYS 1211. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in PHYS 1211. A non-calculus-based course primarily for majors in life sciences, pre-health professions, and liberal arts. Mechanics, thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and sound. No previous knowledge of physics is required.This course has an M&T Fee. For more info visit:
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 1211: General Physics I Laboratory
Credits: 1
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours
Laboratory component of the General Physics I course. Includes experiments in the areas of mechanics and thermodynamics. Must be taken initially with PHYS 1214. May be taken alone if a passing grade has been received in PHYS 1214.This course has an M&T Fee. For more info visit:
(Regular Non-Liberal Arts)
PHYS 113: Physics Laboratory I
York College
PHYS 113: Physics Laboratory I
York College
York College
Credits: 1
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours
Introduction to instrumentation, data acquisition, analysis, and presentation. Experiments include: equilibrium; motion, energy and momentum measurements; harmonic oscillations; elasticity; and heat. Not open to students with credit in PHYS 151.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 115: College Physics I
York College
PHYS 115: College Physics I
York College
York College
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Recitation hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
An introduction, intended for life science majors, to the basic concepts of physics. Topics may include: equilibrium motion, Newton's laws, gravitation, work and energy, momentum, rotation, harmonic motion, statics and dynamics of fluids, thermal properties of matter. Not open to students with credit in PHYS 151 or 117.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PHY 166: General Physics I & PHY 166: General Physics I
Lehman College
PHY 166: General Physics I & PHY 166: General Physics I
Lehman College
Lehman College
PHY 166: General Physics I
Prereq MAT 172 or MAT 171 & MAT 108 or placement into Calculus I (MAT 175)
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Algebra-based Physics: mechanics, heat, and sound (customarily taken by premedical, preveterinary, and predental students).PREREQ: MAT 172, or MAT 171 and MAT 108, or satisfaction of requirements forplacement into calculus I (MAT 175).
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 166: General Physics I
Prereq MAT 172 or MAT 171 & MAT 108 or placement into Calculus I (MAT 175)
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Algebra-based Physics: mechanics, heat, and sound (customarily taken by premedical, preveterinary, and predental students).PREREQ: MAT 172, or MAT 171 and MAT 108, or satisfaction of requirements forplacement into calculus I (MAT 175).
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
PHYS 1433: General Physics I: Algebra Based & PHYS 1433L: Physics 1.2 Lab
NYC College of Technology
PHYS 1433: General Physics I: Algebra Based & PHYS 1433L: Physics 1.2 Lab
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PHYS 1433: General Physics I: Algebra Based
PRE: MAT 1275CO or higher or PRE/CO: MAT 1275
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Algebra-based course on basic concepts and principles of mechanics, heat, waves and fluids. Topics include: statics, kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, circular and rotational motion, fluid dynamics, temperature, heat transfer and wave motion.SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCES
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHYS 1433L: Physics 1.2 Lab
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours
Physics 1.2 Lab
This course was last offered in the Spring 2013 semester.
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)