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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer from every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
Lehman College
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
Lehman College
Lehman College
Prereq PHY 168 and Prereq or Coreq MAT 226 and cannot have taken PHY 169
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Calculus-based Physics: Designed for those preparing for careers in the physical sciences and engineering.) Electrostatics, electrodynamics, geometrical and physical optics. PREREQ: PHY 168. PREREQ or COREQ: MAT 226.Note 1: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: PHY 167 or 169.Note 2: This course satisfies either Life & Physical Science or Scientifice World requirement in the CUNY 2013 Gen Ed requirements at Lehman.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
..If this course is taken
PHY 225: University Physics II
Borough of Manhattan CC
PHY 225: University Physics II
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: (PHY 210 or PHY 215) and MAT 302
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
This is a two-semester course for students in science and engineering. Concepts of calculus are introduced and used when necessary. The lecture and laboratory exercises pertain to mechanics, fluids, heat and thermodynamics, wave motion, sound, electricity, and magnetism, geometric and physical optics and an introduction to modern physics.Note: This course satisfies Pathways Life and Physical Science and Scientific World areas.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 160: General Physics II & PHY 161: General Physics II Laboratory
College of Staten Island
PHY 160: General Physics II & PHY 161: General Physics II Laboratory
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
PHY 160: General Physics II
Prerequisite: PHY 120. Corequisites: MTH 232 or MTH 236, and PHY 161.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Calculus-based physics for Science and Engineering majors. Electrostatics, potential, Ohm's law, resistance, capacitance, RC circuits, magnetism, induction, waves, and geometric optics. (science).
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 161: General Physics II Laboratory
Corequisite: PHY 160.
Credits: 1
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours
Millikan experiment, electric fields, capacitance, Ohm's law, Wheatstone bridge, DC circuits, meters, RC circuits, electron beams, CRO, AC circuits, standing waves, spectroscope. (science).
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PHYS 20800: University Physics II
City College
PHYS 20800: University Physics II
City College
City College
PRE: PHYS 20700 (MIN C). COREQ: MATH 21300 OR MATH 20300 OR CHEM 25000 (all PHYS pre-reqs must be passed with a C or better)
Credits: 4
Hours: 7.0 Lecture hours
20800: University Physics IICalculus based introductory physics course covering: waves and acoustics, electrostatics, magnetism and electromagnetism, direct and alternating current, geometrical and physical optics. Prereq: PHYS 20700. Pre- or coreq: MATH 20300 (Required for all students in the Physical Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science.) 3 lect., 2 rec. hr./wk., 2 lab/wrkshp hrs 4 cr./sem. Materials fee: $10
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 220W: General Physics II
Hostos CC
PHY 220W: General Physics II
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: PHY 210 ANDPre/Co-Requisite: MAT 310 AND ESL 91/93 or higher, OR ENG 91/93, 101, 102 or higher
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 2.0 Recitation hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Students will study waves and acoustics, optics, diffraction, electricity, D.C. circuits, magnetism, electromagnetism and their application, power and A.C. circuits. This course is intended for students preparing for careers in the sciences and engineering.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHYS 12100: Gen Elec-Magnetsm
Hunter College
PHYS 12100: Gen Elec-Magnetsm
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisites: PHYS 11100 or 111LC and MATH 15500.
Credits: 5.5
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 3.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Second semester of PHYS 11100, a two-semester introductory physics course using calculus.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 204: General Physics II
John Jay College
PHY 204: General Physics II
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: ENG 101, MAT 152 or MAT 242 and PHY 203
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
This is the second semester of a two-semester introductory course sequence that is designed to provide the student with a general knowledge of the principles, concepts, and theories of classical and modern physics. This calculus-based course is designed for students with a science or engineering background and for Forensic Science majors. The topics covered this semester will pertain to fluid mechanics, vibrations and wave motion, electricity and magnetism, and physical optics.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 1400: Advanced General Physics II
Kingsborough CC
PHY 1400: Advanced General Physics II
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Second term of PHY 01300. Topics include sound, electricity, magnetism and optics. Laboratory sessions included.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
SCP 232: General Physics II
LaGuardia CC
SCP 232: General Physics II
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisites of SCP 231 and MAT 202 are required
Credits: 4
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
This is the second part of a 2-part calculus-based physics sequence for science, computer science or engineering students. Topics include waves, wave motion, light propagation, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction, electric field and potential, capacitance and dielectrics, magnetic fields and forces, direct and alternating current, Ohms law and electromagnetic waves. Laboratory exercises will use computers with traditional equipment for problem solving, data collection and analysis.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Scientific World
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHYS 1442: General Physics II: Calculus Based
NYC College of Technology
PHYS 1442: General Physics II: Calculus Based
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: PHYS 1441
Credits: 5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
A continuation of PHYS1441/SC441. Electricity and magnetism, optics and elements of modern physics. Topics include: electrostatics, electric current and electric circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, alternating current circuits, electromagnetic waves, geometric optics, optical instruments, spectra and physical optics.SATISFIES FLEXIBLE CORE- SCIENTIFIC WORLD
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PH 422: General Calculus Physics B
Queensborough CC
PH 422: General Calculus Physics B
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 5
Hours: 3.0 Laboratory hours, 6.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates calculus concepts and covers fundamental principles of physics in areas of wave phenomena, electrostatics, DC and AC circuits, magnetism, electromagnetism, and optics.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHYS 118: University Physics II
York College
PHYS 118: University Physics II
York College
York College
Credits: 4
Hours: 2.0 Recitation hours, 3.0 Lecture hours
Continuation of Physics with calculus for science majors. Topics may include: electrostatics, electromagnetism, electric current and circuits, introductory electronics, waves and acoustics, properties of light waves, optics, introductions to modern physics including atomic physics and relativity. Not open to students with credit in PHYS 152.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers & PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Lehman College
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers & PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Lehman College
Lehman College
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
Prereq PHY 168 and Prereq or Coreq MAT 226 and cannot have taken PHY 169
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Calculus-based Physics: Designed for those preparing for careers in the physical sciences and engineering.) Electrostatics, electrodynamics, geometrical and physical optics. PREREQ: PHY 168. PREREQ or COREQ: MAT 226.Note 1: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: PHY 167 or 169.Note 2: This course satisfies either Life & Physical Science or Scientifice World requirement in the CUNY 2013 Gen Ed requirements at Lehman.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 1 (min) / 4 (max)
(Message Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
PHY 32: Physics II & PHY 33: Physics III
Bronx CC
PHY 32: Physics II & PHY 33: Physics III
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
PHY 32: Physics II
Prerequisite: PHY 31. Corequisite: MTH 32
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics; properties of gases; thermodynamics and kinetic theory of matter; wave motion; sound; electrostatics.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 33: Physics III
Prerequisite: PHY 32. Corequisite: MTH 33
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Electromagnetic theory; direct and alternating currents; electromagnetic waves; geometrical and physical optics; modern physics
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)
This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PHY 168: Physics I Scientists and Engineers & PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers & PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Lehman College
PHY 168: Physics I Scientists and Engineers & PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers & PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Lehman College
Lehman College
PHY 168: Physics I Scientists and Engineers
Pre or Co-Requisite MAT 176
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
(Calculus-based Physics: Designed for those preparing for careers in the physical sciences and engineering.) Motion, Newton's laws, work and energy, mechanics of rigid bodies, elasticity, mechanics of fluids, temperature, heat, kinetic theory of matter, wave motion, and sound. PREREQ or COREQ: MAT 176.
This course was last offered in the Fall 2024 semester.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 169: Physics II for Scientists and Engineers
Prereq PHY 168 and Prereq or Coreq MAT 226 and cannot have taken PHY 169
Credits: 5
Hours: 2.0 Laboratory hours, 4.0 Lecture hours
Calculus-based Physics: Designed for those preparing for careers in the physical sciences and engineering.) Electrostatics, electrodynamics, geometrical and physical optics. PREREQ: PHY 168. PREREQ or COREQ: MAT 226.Note 1: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: PHY 167 or 169.Note 2: This course satisfies either Life & Physical Science or Scientifice World requirement in the CUNY 2013 Gen Ed requirements at Lehman.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 1000: 100-Level Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 1 (min) / 4 (max)
(Message Liberal Arts)
..If this course is taken
PHY 31: Physics I & PHY 32: Physics II & PHY 33: Physics III
Bronx CC
PHY 31: Physics I & PHY 32: Physics II & PHY 33: Physics III
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
PHY 31: Physics I
Prerequisite: High School physics or PHY 1. Corequisites: MTH 31 and ENG 110, if required
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Statics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies; force and motion; energy and momentum; rotational motion, elasticity and simple harmonic motion. First semester of a three-semester sequence for students in Engineering or Computer Science (PHY 31, 32, and 33). Also recommended for Science or Mathematics majors in a Liberal Arts and Sciences transfer program.
(Required Core - Life and Physical Sciences)
PHY 32: Physics II
Prerequisite: PHY 31. Corequisite: MTH 32
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics; properties of gases; thermodynamics and kinetic theory of matter; wave motion; sound; electrostatics.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PHY 33: Physics III
Prerequisite: PHY 32. Corequisite: MTH 33
Credits: 4
Hours: 1.0 Recitation hour, 2.0 Lecture hours, 3.0 Laboratory hours
Electromagnetic theory; direct and alternating currents; electromagnetic waves; geometrical and physical optics; modern physics
(Laboratory Non-Liberal Arts)