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This is the credit that will be given upon transfer...
PSY 166: General Psychology
Lehman College
PSY 166: General Psychology
Lehman College
Lehman College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of modern psychology. Consideration of the scientific basis of psychology and of the significant problems in the areas of learning, motivation, emotion, individual differences, physiological bases of behavior, perception, developmental processes, personality, and social behavior.NOTE:There is a research requirement for this course that students can fulfill either by writing about their participation as a subject in approved studies or by writing their reactions to approved articles or colloquia.NOTE: All of the following PSY courses carry PSY 166 as a prerequisite. Additional prerequisites are indicated where appropriate.
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
..If this course is taken
PSY 1001: General Psychology
Baruch College
PSY 1001: General Psychology
Baruch College
Baruch College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces students to the scientific study of human behavior. It covers the basic psychological processes of thinking, motivation, perception, and learning, and the significance of the brain in mediating these processes. It examines the normal personality, how it develops, and how it functions in a social context. Psychological disorders are also discussed. Students will learn about psychology as a science through both direct [e.g. primary sources and research participation] and indirect [e.g. secondary sources and class lectures] experience with psychological research.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSY 1001H: Honors - General Psychology
Baruch College
PSY 1001H: Honors - General Psychology
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA, or 3.3 GPA with Honors Department Permission, or MHC, PROV or BSCH Honors Student Groups
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces students to the scientific study of human behavior. It covers the basic psychological processes of thinking, motivation, perception, learning, and the significance of the brain in mediating these processes. It examines the normal personality, how it develops and how it functions in a social context. Psychological disorders are also discussed. Students select from the following: three hours of participation as subjects in approved psychological research; participation in a library research workshop on psychological topics; or preparation of a proposal for a simple experiment. Psychology 1001/1001H is a prerequisite for all other courses in psychology.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PSY 11: Introduction to Psychology
Bronx CC
PSY 11: Introduction to Psychology
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Corequisite: ENG 110, if required
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Scientific method in the understanding of human behavior. Introductory study of growth and development, motivation, emotions and mental health, learning, intelligence and personality evaluation.
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSYC. 1000: Introductory Psychology
Brooklyn College
PSYC. 1000: Introductory Psychology
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
3 hours; 3 creditsAn introduction to the major facts, principles, methods, and theories of psychology. Topics include the history of psychology, sensory and perceptual processes, learning and cognition, motivation and emotion, psychological development, clinical and abnormal psychology, and biological, social, and personality determinants of behavior. (Not open to students who have taken both Psychology 1 and 2.)
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology
Borough of Manhattan CC
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index of 55 or higher, or ESL 94RW or higher
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The course introduces students to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Students will learn about current perspectives, historical roots and scientific methods in psychology. Topics within major areas of psychology may include biopsychology, human development, learning, cognition, social processes, personality and psychological disorders.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSY 100H: Introduction to Psychology (Honors)
Borough of Manhattan CC
PSY 100H: Introduction to Psychology (Honors)
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index of 55 or higher, or ESL 94RW or higher
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The course introduces students to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Students will learn about current perspectives, historical roots and scientific methods in psychology. Topics within major areas of psychology may include biopsychology, human development, learning, cognition, social processes, personality and psychological disorders.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSY 100: Psychology
College of Staten Island
PSY 100: Psychology
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Pre-requisite: Proficiency in reading and writing.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
A study of the important facts and theories concerning human behavior and its motivation. Included will be research methodology; at least three topics from learning, cognition, testing, physiology, and phenomenology; and at least three topics from personality, psychopathology, emotion and motivation, history and systems, development, and social factors. Topics will be related to major trends in recent cultural history and to current social and moral issues.(liberal arts and sciences) ( social science) (flexible) (COPT)
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSY 10200: Applications of Psychology in the Modern World
City College
PSY 10200: Applications of Psychology in the Modern World
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
An introduction to the study of human development and learning, personality and motivation, sex differences, attitudes, aggressions, interpersonal attraction, behavior in groups and work settings, abnormal behavior and its treatment. Emphasis on the ways in which psychological theory and research can be applied to individual and social problems. May not be taken for credit by students who have already passed Psych 10101 or 10299. (W)
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSY 10101: Psychology for Freshman Honors Students
City College
PSY 10101: Psychology for Freshman Honors Students
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Designed to provide for greater student participation. In addition to attendance at special Psychology 10101 lectures, students will participate in a 2 hour seminar, during which student papers will serve as the basis for class discussion. (W)
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSY 10204: Psy In Mod World
City College
PSY 10204: Psy In Mod World
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Psy In Mod World
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSY 101: General Psychology
Hostos CC
PSY 101: General Psychology
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The student will demonstrate familiarity with the areas of psychology, including methods, learning and memory, sensation, perception, physiological processes, emotions, drives, personality, abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, individual differences, social behavior, and growth and development.
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSYCH 10000: Introduction to Psychology
Hunter College
PSYCH 10000: Introduction to Psychology
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisite: Math, Reading and Writing Proficient/Non degree students
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
An introduction to the problems, methods and concepts of psychology, covering a range of topics which characterize the discipline, including history, methodology and professional ethics, biological foundations, perception, motivation and emotion, learning, memory and thinking, individual differences, intelligence, personality, behavior disorders and their treatment, group processes.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
John Jay College
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
John Jay College
John Jay College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is a survey of the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Topics to be covered include research methods and applications in Psychology's major areas of study: thought, memory, learning, personality, social processes, human development, psychological disorders, and the biological bases of behavior.
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSY 1100: General Psychology
Kingsborough CC
PSY 1100: General Psychology
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to psychology as a science. Topics covered in this survey course include: historical background, fields and divisions, scientific methods, biological underpinnings of thought and behavior, learning and memory.Flexible Core: Scientific World (Group E)Refer to the college catalog year you entered or last change your major.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
SSY 101: General Psychology
LaGuardia CC
SSY 101: General Psychology
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisites of Math Proficiency (MATHX=60+) or Math Developmental class AND English Proficiency (ENGLX=65+) or English Developmental class are required.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is an introduction to some of the major fields and theories in the science of psychology, covering a range of topics such as biological foundations, learning, cognition, emotion, perception, theories of personality, psychological disorders and their treatment, and the research methods of psychology.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-Scientific World
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSYC 101: Introductory Psychology
Medgar Evers College
PSYC 101: Introductory Psychology
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course is an introduction to several basic areas of study within psychology, specifically including concepts of perception, motivation, personality, learning, abnormal behavior and social psychology.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology
Guttman CC
PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course introduces students to the scientific study of mental processes and human behavior and provides a foundation in the principles, methods, and theories of psychology. Students will study psychologys major areas of inquiry, including the history of psychological science, sensory and perceptual processes, learning and cognition, motivation and emotion, human development, social influences, as well as psychological disorders and treatment.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
PSY 1101: Introduction to Psychology
NYC College of Technology
PSY 1101: Introduction to Psychology
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
CUNY proficiency in English
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Methodology, history and theories of psychology; brain and behavior, neuropsychology, socialization, motivation, emotion, perception, learning, thinking, intelligence, personality and the adjustment processes, and social psychology.SATISFIES FLEXIBLE CORE- INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY
(Flexible Core - Individual and Society)
PSYC 101: Psychology
Queensborough CC
PSYC 101: Psychology
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Topics include research methods, biological bases of brain and mind, sensation-perception, sleep and states of consciousness, learning-memory, development,cognition-intelligence, motivation-emotion, personality, abnormal psychology-therapy, and social psychology. Research findings and principles related to everyday life.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSYCH 101: General Psychology
Queens College
PSYCH 101: General Psychology
Queens College
Queens College
Requisites: None
Credits: 4
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
An introduction to the chief facts, principles, methods, and theories of psychology. Topics discussed include the history of psychology, sensory and perceptual processes, motivation and emotion, behavior development, learning and cognition, psychometrics, personality, psychopathology, and social behavior. Not open to students who have taken PSYCH 102 (currently on reserve). This course requires a research experience of up to 5 hours. This experience can consist of participation in research studies or short written reports of published psychological research.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
School of Professional Studies
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines behavior and mental processes. Topics include research methods, biological bases of brain and mind, sensation-perception, sleep and states of consciousness, learning and memory, development, cognition-intelligence, motivation-emotion, personality, abnormal psychology, and social psychology. The focus is on findings and principles related to everyday life.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)
PSY 102: Introductory Psychology
York College
PSY 102: Introductory Psychology
York College
York College
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Basic concepts and methods of contemporary psychology emphasizing the biological basis of behavior, learning, cognition, consciousness, development, stress and personality, abnormal behavior, group behavior, and social interaction. One or more field trips may be required.
(Flexible Core - Scientific World)