What Requirements Does This Course Satisfy

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The course will satisfy the requirements listed below. Be sure to expand the area you are interested in to see if there are any ‘Course Alternatives’ that can also satisfy the selected requirement.

If this course is taken or given as transfer credit...

ENGL 328: Latin American Literature
Medgar Evers College

Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines Latin American literature, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing its study on major literary works that have shaped the cultural and literary horizons of generations of readers, and that are representative of the most important literary trends in Latin American literature. A special effort will be made to put the texts studied in their historical, social and cultural contexts, in order to give students the opportunity to interpret the texts from a Latin American perspective. An important objective of the course is to give students the necessary theoretical tools to analyze the texts to be studied from a literary point of view. Priority will be given, to facilitate such, to the generic context of the texts, although, within a particular genre, attention will be paid to historical development.
This course was last offered in the Fall 2020 semester.
(Regular Liberal Arts)

… The course will satisfy the following requirements

300 Level English Literature Elective (1)

Caribbean or Latin Amerincan area cross-cultural literature: Choose ONE course only (1)

Cross-Cultural Literature: : 12 credits are required to complete this emphasis. Choose any four courses NOT already taken. (1)

English 300-level Elective: Choose one (1) ENGL 300-Level Elective in an English Concentration other than ones own. (1)

English Elective (3)

Free Electives (1)

Humanities/Social Science Elective (1)

Latin American Literature or Post Colonial Literature (1)

Liberal Arts Electives: You need 6 credits in Liberal Arts electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (1)

Open Elective (1)

Open Electives: Option A (Pre Med & Pre Grad): You need 5 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (1)

Open Electives: You need 12 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (2)

Open Electives: You need 14 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (1)

Open Electives: You need 18 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (2)

Open Electives: You need 3 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (3)

Open Electives: You need 6 credits in open/free electives with a C grade or better. These credits are counted toward the overall major requirements. (6)

Two 300-level literature courses: Choose two courses not already taken (1)

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