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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer to every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
If this course is taken…
ENG 112: English Composition II: Writing and Rhetoric
Bronx CC
ENG 112: English Composition II: Writing and Rhetoric
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: ENG 100 or 110 or ENG 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Study and application of the principles of organization, rhetoric, and literary analysis; expository writing and research based on thematically linked readings; development of critical thinking. Research paper with MLA documentation required.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 2150: Writing II
Baruch College
ENG 2150: Writing II
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: ENG 2100, ENG 2100H or ENG 2150 Placement
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Writing II is an intensification of Writing I. This course encourages students to read, reflect on, write about, and synthesize ideas from a range of genres and literary forms. Students examine and learn how to employ different styles, various appropriate uses of evidence and counter-evidence, multiple methods of interpretations, close readings of texts, and, finally, literary-cultural contextualizations. As the course proceeds, students further develop competency in the use and evaluation of multiple external sources as they shape and express their own ideas and cast them into well organized, thoughtful, and persuasive argumentative essays. This course is required for all undergraduate degrees granted by Baruch College. First and foremost, ENG 2150 will be a course in written composition. The primary purpose of this course will be to enhance students' writing skills and rhetorical sophistication, particularly with regard to argumentative prose. The goal is to prepare students not only for success in academic writing but also for effective participation in and critical understanding of the public and professional discourses of the real world beyond school.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 201: Introduction to Literature
Borough of Manhattan CCGrade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
ENG 201: Introduction to Literature
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Grade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
Prerequisite: ENG 101 or ENG 100.5Students must be exempt from CUNY Reading and Writing tests.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This is a course that builds upon skills introduced in English 101. In this course, literature is the field for the development of critical reading, critical thinking, independent research, and writing skills. Students are introduced to literary criticisms and acquire basic knowledge necessary for the analysis of texts (including literary terms and some literary theory); they gain proficiency in library and internet research; and they hone their skills as readers and writers. Assignments move from close readings of literary texts in a variety of genres to analyses that introduce literary terms and broader contexts, culminating in an independent, documented, thesis-driven research paper. By the conclusion of English 201, students will be prepared for the analytical and research-based writing required in upper-level courses across the curriculum; they will also be prepared for advanced courses in literature.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL. 1012: English Composition II: Seminar in Expository Writing
Brooklyn College
ENGL. 1012: English Composition II: Seminar in Expository Writing
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
3 hours and conference; 3 creditsWriting-intensive seminar focusing on a topic chosen by the instructor.Provides students with an opportunity to explore a particular subject indepth and further develop skills of critical thinking, research techniques,and clear expression necessary for academic writing. Students shouldtake English *1012 [2] directly after completing English 1010 [1]. Topicsinclude: The Fool in Literature; Reading the City; 1960s: Decade ofRevolt; Novels of the Jazz Age; Cross-Cultural Writing and the Arts.Satisfies Pathways Required Core English composition requirement.Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in English 1010 [1] or placement inthe course on the basis of transfer evaluation.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 21000: Introduction to Academic Writing
City College
ENGL 21000: Introduction to Academic Writing
City College
City College
Credits: 3
Hours: 2.0 Lecture hours
Practice in the styles and forms of expository writing required in specific disciplines. Readings that acquaint students with standards of good writing in their field.
This course was last offered in the Spring 2005 semester.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 151: College Writing
College of Staten Island
ENG 151: College Writing
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
PQ ENG 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course builds on the work of ENG 111. It emphasizes expository and analytic writing and longer papers. Attention to reading, library skills, and research methods. Sections may be focused on particular themes, to be announced in the Semester Information. (required) Prerequisites: ENG 111 Proficiency in reading.
(Required Core - English Composition)
CBA 1000CC: CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
Graduate Center
CBA 1000CC: CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
Graduate Center
Graduate Center
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
ENGL 203: Composition II
Guttman CC
ENGL 203: Composition II
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Pre-requisite: ENGL 103 - Composition 1
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The purpose of this course is to enhance students' abilities to write in different genres, with an emphasis on developing a project involving research for a real-world audience. With readings and writing assignments drawn from a range of disciplines, the course prepares students for writing in a variety of contexts and supports their developing strategies for writing in various genres. In close consultation with the instructor, students will develop, investigate, draft, and refine a practical research project on a topic of relevance to their major. Throughout the semester, students will practice skills such as gathering information through library research, analyzing, and evaluating outside sources, integrating others' ideas into their own writing, and creating evidence-based arguments that contribute to the ongoing civic and/or academic conversations on their topic. The course will also further develop elements of the writing process: generating ideas, developing a thesis, supporting a thesis with evidence, seeking, and receiving feedback on work in progress, and revising and editing.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 111: Literature and Composition
Hostos CC
ENG 111: Literature and Composition
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: ENG 110
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
English 111, the second semester of freshman composition and a foundational writing course, introduces students to techniques for close reading of literary texts. This course develops students' critical thinking skills through the study of literary elements such as plot, character, setting, point of view, symbolism, and irony. Additionally, students will learn the Modern Language Association (MLA) system of parenthetical citation and how to incorporate quotations into their analyses of literary texts; they will also complete a research paper by consulting both print and on-line sources. By the end of the semester, students will be able to interpret and write critically about each of the three major genres: poetry, fiction, and drama.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 12000: Expository Writing
Hunter College
ENGL 12000: Expository Writing
Hunter College
Hunter College
Prerequisites: Reading and Writing Proficient.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Trains students to analyze, develop, and evaluate ideas and to express themselves clearly and effectively.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 201: Composition 2: Disciplinary Investigations-Exploring Writing across the Disciplines
John Jay College
ENG 201: Composition 2: Disciplinary Investigations-Exploring Writing across the Disciplines
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: ENG 101
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This composition course introduces students to the rhetorical characteristics of cross-disciplinary writing styles. Instructors choose a single theme and provide students with reading and writing assignments which address the differing literacy conventions and processes of diverse fields. Students learn how to apply their accumulated repertoire of aptitudes and abilities to the writing situations presented to them from across the disciplines.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 2400: Composition II
Kingsborough CC
ENG 2400: Composition II
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Multidisciplinary reading, writing and research focusing on the various ways knowledge is produced and articulated within the academy. Through a multidisciplinary process of inquiry, several required projects will emphasize different modes of research and information literacy.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 102: Composition II: Writing through Literature
LaGuardia CC
ENG 102: Composition II: Writing through Literature
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of ENA/ENG 101 is required.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The course builds on skills introduced in Composition I. Students write critically and analytically about culturally-diverse literature and read poetry, drama, and fiction. Students close read literary texts and are introduced to techniques of literary criticism. They utilize research methods and documentation procedures to write assignments in various academic formats, including a research essay that engages literary critics.CUNY Pathways: Required Core-English Composition
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 121: English Composition II
Lehman College
ENG 121: English Composition II
Lehman College
Lehman College
PREREQ: ENG 111 or equivalent or departmental permission.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Continues the work of ENG 111, advancing critical reading skills and essay development. Emphasis on writing analytical essays and papers based on research in various academic disciplines. Classroom instruction supplemented by individual conferences on drafts with instructor, library resources sessions, and appropriate use of available technology. Note: All students, unless exempted, must pass this course in fulfillment of the Common Core Requirement in English Composition. Students who take but do not pass this course should repeat it the following semester.PREREQ: ENG 111 or equivalent or departmental permission.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 150: College English II
Medgar Evers College
ENGL 150: College English II
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
ENGL 112
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This composition course continues the emphasis on the various types of critical and expository writing students will need in the content area courses they will take throughout their college careers. Students will improve their writing skills through the writing and revision of weekly essays and the completion of a major research paper. Course readings will include fiction and non-fiction from a variety of cultures and in at least two genres, and students will be introduced to the vocabulary and methodology of literary criticism.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 1121: English Composition II
NYC College of Technology
ENG 1121: English Composition II
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: ENG1101 or ENG1101CO or ENG1101ML
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
A focus on using rhetorical analysis and audience awareness to develop reading, writing and research skills for use both in and out of academia. Build upon skills learned in ENG 1101 to develop fluency for composing in contemporary environments through practice and revision of project-based assignments. SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- ENGLISH COMPOSITION
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 130: Writing about Literature In English
Queens College
ENGL 130: Writing about Literature In English
Queens College
Queens College
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
ENGL 130 fulfills the College Writing 2 requirement and builds on the work of English 110 (College Writing 1), in order to teach the conventions of writing in the discipline of English.The course focuses on the study of Anglophone literature and how to engage in scholarly conversations about literature by using close reading of primary and secondary sources, conducting original research, and developing analytical arguments about literary texts in different genres.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 102: English Composition II: Introduction to Literature
Queensborough CC
ENGL 102: English Composition II: Introduction to Literature
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
This course offers a continued study and practice of process-based writing combined with an introduction to literature: fiction, drama, and poetry. During the conference hour, students review basic elements of writing and analytical and critical reading skills and research strategies.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 102: College Writing II
School of Labor & Urban Studies
ENG 102: College Writing II
School of Labor & Urban Studies
School of Labor & Urban Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course helps students develop the ability to write longer expository essays. While continuing to focus on the writing process, students are introduced to literary genres, and are expected to complete a research project that involves online research, documentation, and the use of source material in an essay that argues an opinion based on well-chosen and compelling evidence.
This course has never been offered.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 102: College Writing II
School of Professional Studies
ENG 102: College Writing II
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
English 102
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
A continuation of College Writing I with increased emphasis on expository and analytical writing through research-based assignments in varied academic formats such as reports, formal essays, and research papers across the disciplines, making use of appropriate technology for composing, editing and sharing documents. Research project requires students to use scholarly databases, provide proper attribution and documentation of primary and secondary sources, and argue an opinion based on well-chosen and compelling evidence.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 126: Composition II: Writing About Literature
York College
ENG 126: Composition II: Writing About Literature
York College
York College
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
A composition course which takes literature as its subject matter, ENG 126 builds on the competencies developed in ENG 125, in close reading, argumentation, and writing from sources, and applies them in a new context. Students read a variety of short literary works including poetry, fiction, and/or drama, and practice responding to them in class, and writing about them both informally and formally. students also produce a research paper related to themes or questions evoked by the literature. students will spend one hour per week in conferences, collaborative learning activities, or peer review. This course may be offered face-to-face, online or partially online.
(Required Core - English Composition)
If this course is taken…
ENG 112: English Composition II: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 114: English Composition II: Writing about Fiction
Bronx CC
ENG 112: English Composition II: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 114: English Composition II: Writing about Fiction
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
ENG 112: English Composition II: Writing and Rhetoric
Prerequisite: ENG 100 or 110 or ENG 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Study and application of the principles of organization, rhetoric, and literary analysis; expository writing and research based on thematically linked readings; development of critical thinking. Research paper with MLA documentation required.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 114: English Composition II: Writing about Fiction
Prerequisite: ENG 100, 110, or 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Continued emphasis on the writing of clear, effective expository prose based on readings in short stories and novels. Research paper required.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 2150: Writing II & ENG 7000: English Elective
Baruch College
ENG 2150: Writing II & ENG 7000: English Elective
Baruch College
Baruch College
ENG 2150: Writing II
Prerequisite: ENG 2100, ENG 2100H or ENG 2150 Placement
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Writing II is an intensification of Writing I. This course encourages students to read, reflect on, write about, and synthesize ideas from a range of genres and literary forms. Students examine and learn how to employ different styles, various appropriate uses of evidence and counter-evidence, multiple methods of interpretations, close readings of texts, and, finally, literary-cultural contextualizations. As the course proceeds, students further develop competency in the use and evaluation of multiple external sources as they shape and express their own ideas and cast them into well organized, thoughtful, and persuasive argumentative essays. This course is required for all undergraduate degrees granted by Baruch College. First and foremost, ENG 2150 will be a course in written composition. The primary purpose of this course will be to enhance students' writing skills and rhetorical sophistication, particularly with regard to argumentative prose. The goal is to prepare students not only for success in academic writing but also for effective participation in and critical understanding of the public and professional discourses of the real world beyond school.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 7000: English Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)