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If this course is taken…
ENG 147: Latino Literature
Bronx CC
ENG 147: Latino Literature
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
Prerequisite: ENG 100 or 110 or ENG 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to prominent writers from a range of Latino literary traditions. Representative literary works from Mexican-American, Dominican-American, Cuban-American, Puerto Rican and other Latino writers are read and analyzed. The course will require critical essays, including a researched paper.
(Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
CMP 3059: Latino/a Literature in the U.S.
Baruch College
CMP 3059: Latino/a Literature in the U.S.
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: CMP 2800, CMP 2850, ENG 2800, ENG 2850, LTT 2800 or LTT 2850.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines significant works of literature written in English by Latinos and Latinas in the U.S. It concentrates on novels, short stories, and essays from the late 19th century to the present. Special attention is given to issues of cultural identity, social class, race, and gender, as well as bilingualism and code-switching. While focusing on the diversity of the Latino, a literary expression, this course also explores the sociopolitical contexts in which the works emerged and the commonalities and differences of the experiences of the Latin American diasporas in the U.S. (Students will receive credit for CMP 3059, ENG 3059, or LTS 3059. These courses may substitute for each other with the F-replacement option.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 338: Latino/a Literature in the U.S. (Same as LAT 338)
Borough of Manhattan CCGrade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
ENG 338: Latino/a Literature in the U.S. (Same as LAT 338)
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Grade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
Prerequisite: ENG 201 or ENG 121. Non-Degree Students must seek approval from English Department in Room N751.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
In this course, works reflecting the experiences of U.S. Latino/a writers in English are analyzed. Students will read, discuss, and write about fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama by writers such as Julia Alvarez, Rudolfo Anaya, Gloria Anzaldua, Roberto Fernandez, Tato Laviera, Achy Obejas, Abraham Rodriguez Jr., and Piri Thomas. Note: Crosslisted with LAT 338
This course was last offered in the Spring 2024 semester.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
FCUS 1000: Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Brooklyn College
FCUS 1000: Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 0.0 Lecture hours
Satisfies Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
This course has never been offered.
(Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity)
FCUS 10000: Flexcore Us Exp&Div
City College
FCUS 10000: Flexcore Us Exp&Div
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Flexcore Us Exp&Div
This course has never been offered.
(Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity)
ENH 299: English Lit 200-Level Elective
College of Staten Island
ENH 299: English Lit 200-Level Elective
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Requisites: None
Credits: 1 (min) / 90 (max)
English Lit 200-Level Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
CBA 1000CC: CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
Graduate Center
CBA 1000CC: CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
Graduate Center
Graduate Center
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
CBA Credit CC - Liberal Arts
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
Guttman CC
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 222: Latin American Literature in Translation
Hostos CC
ENG 222: Latin American Literature in Translation
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: ENG 111
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course will introduce students to Latin American literature in translation, covering fiction, poetry, and the novel from the perspective of multiculturalism and pluralism. Using literary and cultural analysis, students will examine texts for social, racial, and gender issues and explore problems in translation through discussion and papers. Students will also complete one research project using print and on-line resources. Upon completion of this course, students will not only have sharpened their textual analysis skills, but will also have gained a better understanding of Latin American literature and culture, and the problems of translation.
This course was last offered in the Spring 2022 semester.
(Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues)
Note: This course will satisfy either the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area or the Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues area of your General Education Requirements.
ENGL 25600: Topics in Literature by Non-European Americans
Hunter College
ENGL 25600: Topics in Literature by Non-European Americans
Hunter College
Hunter College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Each course is an examination of one or more of the following groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, and Caribbean Americans.
This course has never been offered.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
LIT 265: Foundations of U.S. Latinx Literature
John Jay College
LIT 265: Foundations of U.S. Latinx Literature
John Jay College
John Jay College
Prerequisite: ENG 201
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines early Latinx authors from the 19th and 20th centuries whose literature chronicles and confronts the injustice experienced by Latinx communities throughout U.S. history. We will examine the beginnings of the Latinx literary tradition as well as literary movements and authors who have had a major influence in American literature. This course provides a comparative portrait of the roots and routes of Latinx literature from a justice-oriented perspective.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
FCUS 1000: Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Kingsborough CC
FCUS 1000: Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 0.0 Lecture hours
Satisfies Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity
This course has never been offered.
(Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity)
ENG 248: Latino/Latina Writing of the United States
LaGuardia CC
ENG 248: Latino/Latina Writing of the United States
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of ENA/ENG 101 is required.
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines the contributions to American literature made by Chicano, Puerto Rican, Dominican and other groups of Latinos/Latinas in the U.S. since the mid-twentieth century. It surveys the variety of Latino/Latina writing, exploring how these writers represent community, class, race, gender, culture, nation, and ethnicity. Fiction, poetry, essays, autobiographical prose, and dramatic works by authors such as Rudolfo Anaya, Sandra Cisneros, Nicholasa Mohr, and others will be studied.CUNY Pathways: Flexible Core-U.S. Experience in it's Diversity
(Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity)
ENG 2000: 200-Level Elective
Lehman College
ENG 2000: 200-Level Elective
Lehman College
Lehman College
Requisites: None
Credits: 1 (min) / 4 (max)
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ENGL 328: Latin American Literature
Medgar Evers College
ENGL 328: Latin American Literature
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This course examines Latin American literature, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing its study on major literary works that have shaped the cultural and literary horizons of generations of readers, and that are representative of the most important literary trends in Latin American literature. A special effort will be made to put the texts studied in their historical, social and cultural contexts, in order to give students the opportunity to interpret the texts from a Latin American perspective. An important objective of the course is to give students the necessary theoretical tools to analyze the texts to be studied from a literary point of view. Priority will be given, to facilitate such, to the generic context of the texts, although, within a particular genre, attention will be paid to historical development.
This course was last offered in the Fall 2020 semester.
(Regular Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
LATS 2202: Latin American Literature
NYC College of Technology
LATS 2202: Latin American Literature
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
PRE: ENG1101 or ENG1101CO or ENG1101ML
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Literature of Spanish America from 15th to 20th centuries. Special attention is given to 19th and 20th century authors.SATISFIES FLEXIBLE CORE- WORLD CULTURES & GLOBAL ISSUES
This course was last offered in the Spring 2022 semester.
(Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues)
Note: This course will satisfy either the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area or the Flexible Core - World Cultures & Global Issues area of your General Education Requirements.
LAE 499: Liberal Arts Elective
Queens College
LAE 499: Liberal Arts Elective
Queens College
Queens College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Liberal Arts Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ENGL 499: English Elective Credit
Queens College
ENGL 499: English Elective Credit
Queens College
Queens College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
Queensborough CC
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Labor & Urban Studies
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Labor & Urban Studies
School of Labor & Urban Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Professional Studies
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 999: English Liberal Arts Elective
York College
ENG 999: English Liberal Arts Elective
York College
York College
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
English Liberal Arts Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Flexible Core - US Experience in its Diversity area of your General Education Requirements.