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The information below will show you how the course you have selected will transfer to every CUNY college. Click icon to see more information about the course. Note that the URL of this page is unique to this course and can easily be shared.
Course equivalency may vary based on combination of courses.
If this course is taken…
ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
This course is open to students who have an English Proficiency Index of below 50 and do not meet the BCC placement requirements for ENG 110 or ENG 111.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates the reading and writing skills students need to comprehend and analyze college-level texts and to produce college-level writing. Reading instruction focuses on the development of literal and critical comprehensionas well as the analysis of ideas encountered in course readings from various academic disciplines. Writing instruction focuses on writing as a recursive process that includes drafting, editing, and revising to produce essays using standardwritten English. Assignments range from reading journal responses to formal academic essays, culminating with one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and inassessment to ENG 111 but adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students to improve compositionand reading skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 2100T: Writing I
Baruch College
ENG 2100T: Writing I
Baruch College
Baruch College
Prerequisite: ENG 2100T Placement or Passing ENG 0132
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
English 2100T is intended for multilingual/ multidialectal speakers of English who have met the University requirements for freshman composition but are in need of additional support in language development. The course is equivalent to English 2100, the first course in Baruch College's composition sequence. Students enrolled in the course complete the writing and composition work required in English 2100 as well as intensive instruction in language features such as sentence structure, usage, and vocabulary. Students are placed in the course on the basis of a writing sample administered at Freshman Orientation and graded by Baruch faculty. The course meets for 6 class hours and receives 3 credits.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 100.5: Intensive English Composition (Same as ENG 101)
Borough of Manhattan CCGrade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
ENG 100.5: Intensive English Composition (Same as ENG 101)
Borough of Manhattan CC
Borough of Manhattan CC
Grade Requirement for Bronx CC course: D or above.
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index below 65. This course is not open to ESL students.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
Students placed in ENG 100.5 are offered extra support, afforded through additional instructional time. Students completing ENG 100.5 will have mastered the fundamentals of college-level reading and writing, including developing a thesis-driven response to the writing of others and following the basic conventions of citation and documentation. They will have practiced what Mike Rose calls the habits of mind necessary for success in college and in the larger world: summarizing,classifying, comparing, contrasting, and analyzing. Students will be introduced to basic research methods and MLA documentation and complete a research project. Students are required to take a departmental final exam that requires the composition of a 500 word thesis driven essay in conversation with two texts. Successful completion of this course is equivalent to passing ENG 101.
(Required Core - English Composition)
RCEC 1000: Required Core - English Composition
Brooklyn College
RCEC 1000: Required Core - English Composition
Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 0.0 Lecture hours
Satisfies Required Core - English Composition
This course has never been offered.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 11000: Freshman Composition
City College
ENGL 11000: Freshman Composition
City College
City College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
The longer paper, and practice in essay forms.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 111: Introduction to College Writing
College of Staten Island
ENG 111: Introduction to College Writing
College of Staten Island
College of Staten Island
Prerequisite: A score of 65 or greater on the CUNY Proficiency Index
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Introduction to and development of critical and analytic writing/reading/thinking skills through class discussion of student work and selected texts. Intensive instruction in techniques for the planning, drafting, revising, and editing of college-level expository essays. Introduction to using the various research options available at the CSI Library. (liberal arts and sciences) (writing) (required )
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 103: Composition I & ENGL 103A: Co-requisite Support for ENGL 103 - Composition I
Guttman CC
ENGL 103: Composition I & ENGL 103A: Co-requisite Support for ENGL 103 - Composition I
Guttman CC
Guttman CC
ENGL 103: Composition I
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Composition I is a course in critical thinking, reading and writing. It will provide a thorough introduction to the writing process and academic discourse: generating ideas, developing a thesis, supporting a thesis with evidence, and revising and editing. Students will be introduced to a variety of research resources, including the NYPL and CUNY library systems and learn basic research techniques. Because good writing starts with good reading, attention will be paid to critical reading strategies.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 103A: Co-requisite Support for ENGL 103 - Composition I
Co-req: ENGL 103
Credits: 0
Hours: 1.5 Lecture hours
Composition IA is a ninety-minute remedial companion course to ENGL 103: Composition I for students who enter the college non-proficient in reading/writing. ENGL 103A provides customized instruction that will reinforce the reading and writing activities of ENGL 103.
(Remedial Non-Liberal Arts)
ENG 100: Integrated Reading and Composition
Hostos CC
ENG 100: Integrated Reading and Composition
Hostos CC
Hostos CC
Pre-Requisite: Placement, OR(48 - 55 on the CAT-W Exam AND Passed the Accuplacer Reading Exam) OR(41 - 54 on the Accuplacer Reading Exam AND Passed the CATW) OR(48 - 55 on the CATW AND Score of 41 - 54 on the Accuplacer Reading Exam)
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
ENG 100 integrates core reading and writing skills. This foundational course develops students reading, composition, and revision skills so they will be able to produce the essays expected of students who successfully complete ENG 110, Expository Writing. Students will learn how to use readings and discussion as the foundation for expository essays and research projects. Students will be introduced to the use of print and online secondary sources. On completion of the course, students will be able to read and write critically about a variety of texts, integrating their own ideas with those of the readings. This course combines in one semester the work of developmental writing/developmental reading and ENG 110. Students who pass ENG 100 will have fulfilled the requirements of ENG 110.
(Required Core - English Composition)
RCEC 1000: Required Core - English Composition
Hunter College
RCEC 1000: Required Core - English Composition
Hunter College
Hunter College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 0.0 Lecture hours
Satisfies Required Core - English Composition
This course has never been offered.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 101: College Composition I: Exploration & Authorship-An Inquiry-based Writing Course
John Jay College
ENG 101: College Composition I: Exploration & Authorship-An Inquiry-based Writing Course
John Jay College
John Jay College
Placement into ENGLISH 101
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
This composition course introduces students to the skills, habits, and conventions necessary to prepare inquiry-based research for college. While offering students techniques and practices of invention and revision, this theme-based composition course teaches students the expectations of college-level research, academic devices for exploring ideas, and rhetorical strategies for completing investigative writing.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 1200: Composition I
Kingsborough CC
ENG 1200: Composition I
Kingsborough CC
Kingsborough CC
Prerequisite: Prof. Index of 65 or higher; or ESL instructor placement or placement via the ELSDA, or Q exemption for English, or passing ENG 93A9 or UIP ENGRW or CUNY Start; or 55 or higher on the CATW and passing score on the CUNY reading assessment.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
An introductory course in critical reading and writing emphasizing the development and communication of ideas in written form and a basic rhetorical understanding of how language communicates facts, ideas, and attitudes. Students apply basic rhetorical concepts in reading and composing texts in several genres; compose texts that integrate the writers ideas with those from other texts, including research materials; and develop writing projects through drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading, and editing.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 101: Composition I: An Introduction to Composition and Research
LaGuardia CC
ENG 101: Composition I: An Introduction to Composition and Research
LaGuardia CC
LaGuardia CC
Pre-requisite of a English Proficiency Index Score greater than or equal to 65 is required.
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
In this course students write coherent essays in varied academic formats, both in and out of class, responding to culturally diverse materials and using appropriate technology. Students focus on critical and analytical skills through reading and listening. They also study aspects of argumentation, including formulating theses; researching and identifying sources; evaluating and documenting sources; and communicating persuasively across contexts, purposes, and media. Admission is based on college placement test scores. The course meets four scheduled classroom hours per week.CUNY Pathways: Required Core-English Composition
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 111: English Composition I
Lehman College
ENG 111: English Composition I
Lehman College
Lehman College
Not placed in ESL
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Focus on all aspects of reading and writing, with particular attention to summary, critical responses to short texts, argumentative development in paragraphs and essays, and the rewriting process. Emphasis on organization, language, accuracy, grammar, and mechanics. Classroom instruction supplemented by individual conferences on drafts with instructor, library resources sessions, and appropriate use of available technology. Note: All students, unless exempted, must pass this course in fulfillment of the Common Core Requirement in English Composition. Students who take but do not pass this course should repeat it the following semester. Students who pass ENG 111 proceed to ENG 121 the following semester.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 999: English Elective
Medgar Evers College
ENGL 999: English Elective
Medgar Evers College
Medgar Evers College
Requisites: None
Credits: 0 (min) / 99 (max)
English Elective
(Message Non-Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 1101: English Composition I
NYC College of Technology
ENG 1101: English Composition I
NYC College of Technology
NYC College of Technology
CUNY proficiency in English
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing.SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- ENGLISH COMPOSITION
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENGL 499: English Elective Credit
Queens College
ENGL 499: English Elective Credit
Queens College
Queens College
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
RCEC 1000: Required Core_English Composition
Queensborough CC
RCEC 1000: Required Core_English Composition
Queensborough CC
Queensborough CC
Requisites: None
Credits: 6
Hours: 0.0 Lecture hours
Satisfies Required Core_English Composition
This course has never been offered.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Labor & Urban Studies
ELEC 1000: Elective Credit
School of Labor & Urban Studies
School of Labor & Urban Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
Elective Credit
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
ENG 101: College Writing I
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Practice in expository and analytical writing through reading and research-based assignments in varied academic formats such as reports, formal essays and research papers, making use of appropriate technology for composing, editing and sharing documents. Practice in conventions of academic reading and writing including clear and coherent use of standard English, use of digital libraries, and methods of ethical attribution and citation.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 999: English Liberal Arts Elective
York College
ENG 999: English Liberal Arts Elective
York College
York College
Requisites: None
Credits: 0
English Liberal Arts Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
Note: This course will satisfy the Required Core - English Composition area of your General Education Requirements.
If this course is taken…
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index of 50-64 or equivalent.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
Fundamental principles of expository organization, rhetoric, and grammar, with anemphasis on essay development, unity and clarity, and the use of variousrhetorical styles. Selected readings. Approximately eight compositions required,including a research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and in assessment to ENG111, but it adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students toimprove college composition skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
This course is open to students who have an English Proficiency Index of below 50 and do not meet the BCC placement requirements for ENG 110 or ENG 111.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates the reading and writing skills students need to comprehend and analyze college-level texts and to produce college-level writing. Reading instruction focuses on the development of literal and critical comprehensionas well as the analysis of ideas encountered in course readings from various academic disciplines. Writing instruction focuses on writing as a recursive process that includes drafting, editing, and revising to produce essays using standardwritten English. Assignments range from reading journal responses to formal academic essays, culminating with one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and inassessment to ENG 111 but adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students to improve compositionand reading skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Practice in expository and analytical writing through reading and research-based assignments in varied academic formats such as reports, formal essays and research papers, making use of appropriate technology for composing, editing and sharing documents. Practice in conventions of academic reading and writing including clear and coherent use of standard English, use of digital libraries, and methods of ethical attribution and citation.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 999: English Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
If this course is taken…
ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric
Prerequisite: CUNY English Proficiency
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Fundamental principles of organization and rhetoric; practice in expository writing; selected readings, mainly non-fiction; approximately eight papers required, including one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
This course is open to students who have an English Proficiency Index of below 50 and do not meet the BCC placement requirements for ENG 110 or ENG 111.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates the reading and writing skills students need to comprehend and analyze college-level texts and to produce college-level writing. Reading instruction focuses on the development of literal and critical comprehensionas well as the analysis of ideas encountered in course readings from various academic disciplines. Writing instruction focuses on writing as a recursive process that includes drafting, editing, and revising to produce essays using standardwritten English. Assignments range from reading journal responses to formal academic essays, culminating with one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and inassessment to ENG 111 but adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students to improve compositionand reading skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Practice in expository and analytical writing through reading and research-based assignments in varied academic formats such as reports, formal essays and research papers, making use of appropriate technology for composing, editing and sharing documents. Practice in conventions of academic reading and writing including clear and coherent use of standard English, use of digital libraries, and methods of ethical attribution and citation.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 999: English Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)
If this course is taken…
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric & ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
Bronx CC
Bronx CC
ENG 110: English Composition I: Fundamentals of Writing and Rhetoric
Prerequisite: English Proficiency Index of 50-64 or equivalent.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
Fundamental principles of expository organization, rhetoric, and grammar, with anemphasis on essay development, unity and clarity, and the use of variousrhetorical styles. Selected readings. Approximately eight compositions required,including a research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and in assessment to ENG111, but it adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students toimprove college composition skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 111: English Composition I: Writing and Rhetoric
Prerequisite: CUNY English Proficiency
Credits: 3
Hours: 4.0 Lecture hours
Fundamental principles of organization and rhetoric; practice in expository writing; selected readings, mainly non-fiction; approximately eight papers required, including one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 100: English Composition I: Integrated Reading and Writing
This course is open to students who have an English Proficiency Index of below 50 and do not meet the BCC placement requirements for ENG 110 or ENG 111.
Credits: 3
Hours: 6.0 Lecture hours
This course integrates the reading and writing skills students need to comprehend and analyze college-level texts and to produce college-level writing. Reading instruction focuses on the development of literal and critical comprehensionas well as the analysis of ideas encountered in course readings from various academic disciplines. Writing instruction focuses on writing as a recursive process that includes drafting, editing, and revising to produce essays using standardwritten English. Assignments range from reading journal responses to formal academic essays, culminating with one research paper with MLA documentation using library resources. This course is identical in academic content and inassessment to ENG 111 but adds 2 developmental hours to allow faculty to work with students to improve compositionand reading skills.
(Required Core - English Composition)
… This is the credit that will be given upon transfer
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I & ENG 999: English Elective
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
ENG 101: College Writing I
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
Hours: 3.0 Lecture hours
Practice in expository and analytical writing through reading and research-based assignments in varied academic formats such as reports, formal essays and research papers, making use of appropriate technology for composing, editing and sharing documents. Practice in conventions of academic reading and writing including clear and coherent use of standard English, use of digital libraries, and methods of ethical attribution and citation.
(Required Core - English Composition)
ENG 999: English Elective
Requisites: None
Credits: 3
English Elective
(Message Liberal Arts)